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Hi again, we play for Oras gc. Im +5.5 and can do evenings or after 11 on sunday
hey, we play for advpl u have availability for fri-sat-sun? im gmt -3, can play between 2-6pm my time
i have contacted u through discord too, if u dont mind answering there
Hi, we're matched for One Hit Wonder. I can do evenings and weekends GMT -4. Let me know when you want to play.
Read an analysis on the infamous (obsta)goon and found out Mr. Nat Dex helped write it. I know your roots, your SS UU days are catching up to you…
i'm a uu main at heart...
Hey, we play for UU open, when do you want to do the battle? Saturday from 5 pm gmt -4 onward is preferable for me but if you cant do that day just say when you’re available and I’ll see what times work