Fulgrate Art thread.

Here's every character of a specific generation(they're all within 12 years of each other from the youngest to oldest.)

The sketches in red tint are from my previous style so they need to be redrawn/redesigned to my current style, although some, like the Gunslinger Dragon, might not change much). Some new or udpated sketches like the monkey guy and knight at the very bottom.

1st column are all knights, 2nd column are Princesses/Princes, and the rest are retainers/vassals(although some in name only and do whatever they want or just to go along with the rules of the game, which is all I can say about that for now.)

These teams aren't final, I might switch the bunny/moth to the second row, I might even cut the teams in half and make teams of 5 to 6 on average once I finish designed the other princesses/princes.

Also, there is a reason certain rows are empty, those three have something in common. (Although I will add team mates/vassals for them later.)

Oh yeah, and some 3D:

And yeah, his muffler wraps around his sword to hold it on his back when he's not using it. I'm still wrestling with the idea of wether he can do some low level psychokinesis to move his muffler around, but that might mess up his stats/parameters, lol.
I made a webtoon using the 3D models I've been posting here.

Well, I guess it's been nearly a year, but if you like Pokemon, there's some influence from that(but in how they fight I guess.)

If I get the chance to start from chapter 1, there would be some semblance, since warriors are sent out to adventure in the land and collect runes to reach a final destination sort of thing like how trainers are aiming to reach the Elite 4. Although instead of a starter pokemon, you pick a starter element and starter weapon, the element is permanent, but the weapon you can change later or you can choose to master that specific class of.

Anyways, some stuff I made recently for this webtoon.

There's a lot more, but since I've been gone a while, too much to put in a single post.
I haven't inked in 5 days, but I still do sketches everyday. Here are some of those along with some of the notes for the comic.



Saeglopur: Yeah, Ubee makes a really good protagonist, probably why I picked that story over the others.

Thanks! I liked how the smog art turned out when I was finished.
Yeah, I totally get what you mean! Sometimes life gets in the way, but it's great to hear that you're still keeping up with your sketches. It's all about staying consistent and keeping that creativity flowing, right?

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