Dragonzrule's pixel-art

For this art, I used a variety of programs. I will specify the program used for each piece of art.

Graphics Gale- Tiny fighter. I was experimenting with GG when making this.

Microsoft Paint- A piece of art that shows knowledge (how I picture it)

Microsoft Paint- A "realistic" look at pacman.

Microsoft Pain- Beast attacking an innocent person.

MSP- Type icons

Fakemon -All made in ms paint

I'm pretty sure you have more than that. Your art is rather extravagant however. I'm also wondering how programs make a difference when it comes to pixel art.
Sweet work DZRL, just think that there's too much dothering on the pacman thing, otherthan that flawless.
I <3 the fighter soo muuucchhhh!!
Can I use it in a part of my avatar? I'll give credit to you bigtime...

This is a beast that his attacking a random person. The spotlights and tail outlines (and all outlines in general) are rough because I didn't have time to AA them. Done in MS paint.

I won't take many requests for fakemon but I will do the sealo split evo.
I'm making some type icons and I wanted to know what you thought before I finished them. Here's water and the template:

I also fixed the water dog:
I like Poison, Water, and Grass. Coo-el. Though the text is a bit hard to read (just because it's small I suppose).
The shading and text on some of them is somewhat dynamic. For example, Dragon should be orange, and the Dark text is barely legible, along with a few other ones, although it's a nice concept.

This one is a virus. It comes alive when deoxys' gem gets chipped. A space virus grows inside it and forms this. It has very high defenses and speed but low hp and attack.

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