Anyone here play Final Fantasy XI?

I do. Just was wondering if there is any other FFXInites in here.

Ah, forgot to add my stats.

Faction: Bastok
Race: Galka
Name: Rockius
Server: Diabolos
Level: 75
I played this game for a while... got to 45 on three jobs (Dark Knight Samurai Ninja) and my cousin had 75 or close on three (Paladin Red Mage Ranger). Honestly, the game is flawed as hell, but I still enjoyed it more overall than WoW. I guess it must be the community aspect. WoW has shitty community in my experience, wheras in FF you meet interesting people everywhere and often stick with them. I guess it's the flaws of the game that make players rely more on one-another than in WoW. I actually miss it a little, but then I think about the ridiculous monthly charge, painful load times, and how hard it is to make money/get good equipment/level crafts without buying gil... Not to mention getting parties unless you're: A. a Meatshield B. a Healer.

If SE made a new FF MMO I would probably play it, though.
I hear ya man. I went to play it again on the date that I posted this topic. And once again on that day, I was reminded why I left in the first place. FFXI is just too harsh a game to be played as a game.

Like you said about the money, it takes days on days to make money in that game.

I tried to level Corsair and on that day, we spent 40 minutes looking for a White Mage. Then we spent 20 minutes waiting for him to come from Jeuno. Then we spent 30 minutes waiting for all the members to unite because someone died. If I wasn't playing Pokemon Emerald through all that, I would just logged out on the spot.

Doesn't get much better at 75 either. When I turned 75, my endgame consisted of sitting in one spot for 3hrs hoping for a dragon to spawn. I'm serious. And the worse part is that if you don't have a cheat device, you wont get the dragon. And there's 3 monsters in the game on a 3hr timer. Some on a 72hr timer. Seriously.

The PvP is a slow motion piece of crap, and everything in the game has a massive penalty on it. Like.. oh, yeah. You can eat that chocolate, but you can't eat it again for 3 days! Mwahahahahaha! Awesome.

And the Japanese in that game is racist as fuck. That's my main flaw with the game. They put in their search comment, [JP PT ONLY {English} {No thanks.}] The brackets is auto-translate btw. One even had the balls to put, [NA {Death} {Can I have it?}] Called a GM and he said, NA means a continent, so it's not a problem. So he put [JP {Death} {Can I have it?}] and a Japanese GM suspended him ASAP.

^ A website I made to show all my accomplishments in that game. All that shit and I just walked away from it all.

Final Fantasy XI sucks. Fuck that stupid game.
Yeah, you'd hear that kind of shit every day. The {NA} {Death} thing though... wow. It's not enough that the servers are all japanese so they always get spawns first. If SE ever makes another game like FFXI they better clean up their act BIG TIME.
They prolly wont. They're SE. They make something with a FF name and the drones will buy it regardless of quality.

FFXI taught that more than anything.

But anyway, I bet they will make a new MMO. Those seem to be the flavour of the month these days.
I am thinking bout gettin this game but don't know yet.

Mainly gettin this one:

Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan

If it is good I will get the one coming out in Winter 2007 called
Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess

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