Search results

  1. Big Everyone is Pokemon Pokemon 8

    Id like to be in!
  2. Tournament The ADV 1v1 Ladder Tournament (350$ in Prizes!) - Cycle 4

    a1lteb blood a1lte blood
  3. Tournament The ADV 1v1 Ladder Tournament (350$ in Prizes!) - Cycle 4

    A1LTUN quax A1LTUN sheepy
  4. New New Name and Profile Change Requests [READ THE OP]

    zorquax reason: cooler oki--tdp
  5. Format Discussion Pokemon Sword & Shield Random Battle Sets

    Hello I am a ps player. I was wondering if it would be possible to make it so that people are able to choose who they want to start the game in a randbats match. Personally, it's frustrating to lose against a person because their opening character can use something like shell smash and...