Search results

  1. Serious Teacher loses appeal to return to teaching because of history in pornography

    you keep asking if we'd support our children venturing into porn, which is a question you know the answer to. i would certainly be shocked and apprehensive, i'd wonder why they'd be at that point in life? i'd enquire as to the reasoning behind it; is it for the money? is it just a career she'd...
  2. Anti-science

    is there a direct correlation between a person's political views and their views/opinions on science? no. did you know that there are some republicans who believe in the loch ness monster???? shocker, i know. certainly more republicans stand firmly by the loch ness monster than democrats do. so...
  3. Serious Teacher loses appeal to return to teaching because of history in pornography

    ugh although i agree losing her job was the only (unfortunate) outcome to this story, posts like these make me embarrassed to agree with you on anything. being in porn does not make her a terrible person, as your post seems to paint her out to be. you're being completely insensitive...
  4. Serious Teacher loses appeal to return to teaching because of history in pornography

    i think a lot of you are choosing to look past the actual issues here just to argue and debate about things that are pretty irrelevant. there's not going to be an analogy that fits the situation perfectly, so why keep trying? maybe you'll eventually find the perfect analogy and we'll all see the...
  5. Ethics of Teleportation?

    so just 3 a day then?
  6. indian vs chinese (NSFW)

    just kidding, honestly what were you expecting?! it's snowing here in the UK and i can't get to the shops, so i'm ordering a takeaway: INDIAN OR CHINESE? - the most important question for the british working class with a taste for foreign food, but from the safety and comfort of their own...
  7. Ethics of Teleportation?

    and most importantly, how many teleports should each person be allowed to have per day? surely we wouldn't just be allowed to teleport everywhere all of the time, that'd just be silly and an exploitation of what would probably be an expensive service, at least initially. assuming you could...
  8. Serious Teacher loses appeal to return to teaching because of history in pornography

    i think it's a really unfortunate situation for the teacher, especially teaching classes of younger children, who we really can't expect to behave sensibly and maturely. even if, like some of you have suggested, the parents and teachers did a better job raising the children and making them more...
  9. The Smogon 5K Challenge

    was expecting a wave of bad threads and users from wifi posting in a forum to succeed in the 'smogon 5k challenge' - actually glad to see a thread about running.
  10. weird stuff you believed as a kid

    if i'd ever have to be in a car on my own, my mom would tell me not to put my fingers out of the window, even a little bit, because birds would think they were worms and fly down and bite them off. apparently i also used to believe that birds could bite, do birds bite? peck, idk
  11. OH NO! not another Touchy-Feely Thread.

    the way you have assiduously undertook this task is meritorious; reading through all of your updates in one and seeing how far you've come is an inspiration, so my one post this year is to congratulate you on all your hard work. keep at it man.
  12. The Well #2000 - THE_IRON_KENYAN

    what's the story behind your username?
  13. Attitude problems

    no, still not seeing it have you looked into a bra?
  14. Attitude problems

    'i blame myself and i blame the machines' - i blame your parents
  15. ...and loves triumphed.

    ..oh wait never mind may as well close the thread.
  16. ...and loves triumphed.

    say no more so many bad, unfunny replies in this thread, specifically user: SMZ has the aforementioned user posted any funny/useful replies? Join Date: May 2007 Posts: 2,358 - i'd hope so. i think this thread would be much better off going down the new, and all together more puzzling route...
  17. a

    az are you going to submit anything for the new cap art? your tanuki ninja was boss and had my vote. also; v cool fire-lamp-mon thing !
  18. 2011 Music

    angles is excellent; machu pichu, you're so right, taken for a fool and metabolism standout tracks. alex turner released a 6 song soundtrack on monday for the upcoming film submarine. (directorial debut from richard ayoade of the it crowd) was particularly impressed by this release, the...
  19. the milk if you can persevere through the slightly awkward first few minutes, you can expect some excellent comedy sketches from welsh guys. the music is great as well, all original stuff from the same people. it's p crude, so i doubt it'll ever get any mainstream recognition but...
  20. scary fucking animals (Now NSFW)

    the true master of trolling