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  1. RainWaiv

    Homework Help Thread

    Although much of this community is well past their school years, these forums do have their fair share of high school and college students (me included). So go ahead and ask for help on anything. Doesn't matter what. Could be logarithms, or organic chemistry, or like an essay or something, just...
  2. RainWaiv

    i have 4 tests next thursday and i am hilariously unprepared for all of them

    In AP World I have a 3-day-long test where I get 50 minutes to write a DBQ then a (fortunately) ungraded LEQ then an hour and a half for a 60-question long multiple choice test. Chemistry has a test on moles which I know I'm gonna be good at but my teacher is a stickler for showing work a...
  3. RainWaiv

    What's the most above average thing?

    I see so many threads here like "What's the best this" "What's the worst that" and I think we as a community need to agree that not everything is purely black or white, perfect or terrible, and that things that are just kind of okay do indeed exist.
  4. RainWaiv

    Send me stupid pictures

    I'm making a collage of stupid shitposts to use as my laptop background. Please send me stupid shit. I will post the final result when I finish.