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  1. Plant

    CAP 31 - Part 4 - Ability Poll 2

    Unaware Water Absorb Moxie
  2. Plant

    CAP 31 - Part 4 - Ability Poll 1

    Water Absorb Poison Heal Flash Fire Defiant Moxie Speed Boost Mirror Armor Unaware
  3. Plant

    CAP 31 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 2

    Ground Rock / Electric Rock / Flying
  4. Plant

    CAP 31 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

    Grass / Ground Ground Rock / Electric Rock / Fire Rock / Grass Grass / Fighting Rock / Water Rock / Flying
  5. Plant

    CAP 31 - Part 1 - Concept Assessment Move Poll 1

    Diamond Storm Jungle Healing Sacred Fire Wicked Blow Photon Geyser Spectral Thief Thunder Cage Shadow Force
  6. Plant

    CAP 31 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    Bulletproof Glass Bang Average Forbidden Fruit Mini-Uber
  7. Plant

    CAP 31 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 1

    Unusual Gains Bulletproof Glass Bang Average Mini-Uber Forbidden Fruit One Trick Pony Anger Management Stick Together!
  8. Plant

    CAP 31 - Part 1 - Concept Submissions

    Name: Monotype Moveset Description: How much can be done with a movepool composed of moves from only one or two types. Justification: This is a Target idea. The goal is to see how much can be done with moves of one or two types, and to see which types can give the most variety of sets and...
  9. Plant

    CAP 30 - Part 4 - Typing Poll 2

    Steel / Fighting Grass / Water Poison / Flying
  10. Plant

    CAP 30 - Part 3 - Tinted Lens Role + Form Poll 2

    Late-Game Cleaner 30i
  11. Plant

    CAP 30 - Part 2 - Primary Ability Poll 2

    Filter Poison Touch Tinted Lens
  12. Plant

    CAP 30 - Part 2 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Filter Poison Touch Tinted Lens Stamina Simple Download
  13. Plant

    CAP 30 - Part 2 - Primary Ability Discussion

    The four abilities that stand out to me are Compound Eyes, Steely Spirit, Thick Fat, and Liquid Voice. Compound Eyes is a great ability but is forced to be bound to weak bug types. Butterfree and Galvantula can make use of Compound Eyes/STAB Thunder and Hurricane, but neither are great because...
  14. Plant

    CAP 30 Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    Optimized Ability Anti-Synergy CAPs Get It How You Want It
  15. Plant

    CAP 30 Part 1 - Concept Poll 1

    Young God Anti-Synergy CAPs Optimized Ability Combo Maker / Breaker Get It How You Want It Role Compress to Impress
  16. Plant

    CAP 30 - Part 1 - Concept Submissions

    Name - Weather/Terrain Power Description - This cap would prefer/set a certain weather condition or terrain in each form. Justification - This concept would be Actualization as it tries to answer what makes a weather or terrain play-style good and what the overlap is. Heliolisk is a Pokémon that...
  17. Plant

    CAP 30 - Framework Poll 2

    In-Battle Form Change Ability Weak Status Move Ability Giratina-Style Forms
  18. Plant

    CAP 30 - Framework Poll 1

    Normal-Type CAP Mythical Pixie Pokemon Runner-Up CAP Primal Weather Ability In-Battle Form Change Ability Weak Status Move Ability Giratina-Style Forms Competitive NFE/Evolution Pair Protean/Libero User
  19. Plant

    CAP 30 - Framework Submissions

    Name: -ate choice CAP Description: A Pokémon with 2 or 3 -ate abilities so you are forced to decide what type of coverage you desire. This Pokémon would get strong normal type moves, but no moves of the -ate types. Explanation: For those who don't know, the -ate abilities are abilities like...
  20. Plant

    CAP 30 - Should it be a framework?
