Search results

  1. yup

  2. would 8pm gmt thursday work for ya?

    would 8pm gmt thursday work for ya?
  3. for sure. i think youre 5 hours ahead of me, ya available wednesday 5pm for ya, noon for me?

    for sure. i think youre 5 hours ahead of me, ya available wednesday 5pm for ya, noon for me?
  4. hi! when ya wanna play for randslam? im available most days past 9 EST.

    hi! when ya wanna play for randslam? im available most days past 9 EST.
  5. MY BAD. Are ya available now?

    MY BAD. Are ya available now?
  6. yea for sure

    yea for sure
  7. im available most days around 3-5pm us east EST

    im available most days around 3-5pm us east EST
  8. my showdown name is also big soup

    my showdown name is also big soup
  9. sounds good

    sounds good
  10. When can ya play for Gen8 randbat open? I'm available anytime from 12pm-6pm (gmt-4/US East)

    When can ya play for Gen8 randbat open? I'm available anytime from 12pm-6pm (gmt-4/US East)
  11. Any day 5:00 pm?

    Any day 5:00 pm?
  12. Sunday 5:00 pm EST?

    Sunday 5:00 pm EST?
  13. Heyo, we matched up for the gen 8 randbats thing. Would Saturday at 5:00 pm EST work for ya?

    Heyo, we matched up for the gen 8 randbats thing. Would Saturday at 5:00 pm EST work for ya?
  14. yeah, sorry ya didn't get to play. i've been real busy with school. gl next round

    yeah, sorry ya didn't get to play. i've been real busy with school. gl next round
  15. im a monkey and forgot, sorry to make you wait. could we possibly play friday at 7:30 or any...

    im a monkey and forgot, sorry to make you wait. could we possibly play friday at 7:30 or any other time friday? if i forget again, you can just have the round
  16. uh, Im free at 8:15pm EST today

    uh, Im free at 8:15pm EST today