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  1. FX 作画 MAD

    Invalid Add Dynamax Clause to CC1v1(/CC2v2)

    Yes please. There's zero nuance or variety to the format as it stands and very little reason to play it long term or at all. Dynamax quite literally reduces everything in CC to the 18(19) Max Moves available and any strategy you can come up with in team preview that involves anything outside of...
  2. FX 作画 MAD

    Format Discussion Pokemon Sun/Moon Random Battle sets

    It's not a meme. Gen 8 beta just dropped and everything is kind of broke rn as a result There's a Gengar without moves as well You should report this and any other bugs you find here:
  3. FX 作画 MAD

    Format Discussion Pokemon Sun/Moon Random Battle sets

    There's no rule against it, no Else Randbats Smeargle wouldn't exist in the way it does
  4. FX 作画 MAD

    Format Discussion Pokemon Sun/Moon Random Battle sets

    This was fixed EDIT: Actually some folks seem to still be getting fly w/o fly z despite of this so I guess I was wrong. My b
  5. FX 作画 MAD

    Format Discussion Pokemon Sun/Moon Random Battle sets

    Feels kinda weird to suggest changes when the generation is so close to being over but these have been lurking in the back of my mind for quite some time so might as well throw them out while I still can. I don't think sub-punch Mega Mawile is very good. It just seems to me like one of those...
  6. FX 作画 MAD

    Bug Reports v3 [READ ORIGINAL POST before posting]

    Asked about this in the help room and was referred to this thread, but I see it was already posted Just quoting in case it was overlooked or just to let it be known that it's a general thing and not just one user Looked up all the vivillon events on Serebii and they come with perfectly normal...