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  1. Yo I put together this chonky UU team really quick and have had a lot of success with it...

    Yo I put together this chonky UU team really quick and have had a lot of success with it. The idea is to pivot with Cele, Hippo and Toge while until you can get a chance to set up with Scolo or Suicune. Hydra is there for immediate speed control and to...
  2. ADV Cup IV - Signups

  3. SM OU RMT New player, wondering how I did! Serperior centered mixed team

    Good idea! i guess since Serp is boosting its spA already it doesn't really need it. Makes sense :)
  4. SM OU RMT New player, wondering how I did! Serperior centered mixed team

    Holy cow! I didn't notice I didn't put EVs on half of my pokemon. Thanks for pointing that out. I thought I did, but I made it on my phone so maybe something got screwed up. Thanks for the tips, I'll try heatran now :)
  5. SM OU RMT New player, wondering how I did! Serperior centered mixed team

    Introduction Hey Smogen! How's it hanging? I have really only just gotten into competitive Pokemon around a month ago and still don't know much about it. I became addicted after I found pokemonshowdown.come because of a youtuber I stumbled upon and am determined to learn as much as I can about...