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  1. Project SM RU Creative and Underrated Sets

    bro use gardevoir
  2. RU Moltres

    You want pressure as the ability on the defensive set, lets you stall out stone edges and stuff
  3. RU Ninetales

    maybe mention that while it's ability doesn't support it's team as much as torkoal does, it's very useful to deprive opposing rain and sand teams of their own weather, especially since ninetales outspeeds sand/slush rush and chloro mons naturally. bloom doom is also a really nice option for the...
  4. Serious Syria

    North Korea most certainly isn't worth bombing, it's called mutually assured destruction for a reason. They have enough hidden missiles that would make a preemptive strike from the US unable to take them all out. One of the biggest cities in the world, Seoul, is RIGHT there, a strike on NK is...