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  1. ButterscotchTHC

    [Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

    Requested Pokémon: Dratini In Game Name: Butters Deposited Pokémon: Female LV:1 Feebas Your Message: PsIana Thank you again in advanced! Charmander and Dratini both will be used as tournament prizes
  2. ButterscotchTHC

    [Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

    Requested Pokémon: Dratini In Game Name: Butters Deposited Pokémon: Male LV:1 Dratini Your Message: PsIana Thank you again in advanced! Charmander and Dratini both will be used as tournament prizes!
  3. ButterscotchTHC

    [Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

    Requested Pokémon: Dratini In Game Name: Butters Deposited Pokémon: Female Lv:1 Vulpix Your Message: PsIana Thank you again in advanced! Charmander and Dratini both will be used as tournament prizes!
  4. ButterscotchTHC

    [Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

    Want: Charmander Deposited: Feebas Male LV:1 IGN: Butters Message: Pslana Thank youuuu!!!
  5. ButterscotchTHC

    [Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

    Fair point! Thank you friend! Ill deposit a more common one right now ;3
  6. ButterscotchTHC

    [Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

    Want: Charmander Deposited: Larvitar Male Level 1 IGN: Butters Message: Pslana Giving this away in a tournament! Thanks in advanced! People keep trading me :|
  7. ButterscotchTHC

    [Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

    Requested Pokémon: Charmander In Game Name: Butters Deposited Pokémon: Female Lv:1 Igglypuff Your Message: PsIana Thank you in advanced friend, giving this away in a Tournament!
  8. ButterscotchTHC

    [Mixed] PsIana's Giveaway #HP Fire Magearna ,Shiny Espeon and Tapus

    Requested Pokémon: Charmander In Game Name: Butters Deposited Pokémon: Male Lv:34 Cubchoo Your Message: PsIana Thank you in advanced friend, giving this away in a Tournament! Somebody else traded me! :|
  9. ButterscotchTHC

    "How can i dps with my dick in my hand"

    "How can i dps with my dick in my hand"
  10. ButterscotchTHC

    Mareanie, Toxapex Discussion

    Im seeing alot of potential here, especially with Salazzle.