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  1. SS Random Battle - Dynamax Voting

    Dynamax: Ban
  2. Suggestions for Pokémon Showdown

    Hello, I guess this would be categorized as a complaint, but I consider it a suggestion. I've been playing monotype randoms, and I enjoy it immensely but it's frustrating when half the games are one sided due to one of the typings being very strong or weak against the other monotype. Usually at...
  3. Pre-Bank Captain Jack Sparrow

    I've had some pretty good success with my OU teams and my wins triple my losses, although I started out rocky and I am only ranked at about 1800 at the moment. Anyway, this is a pretty new team that I've made, and I'd like to make some improvements. My wall core is pretty solid, centered around...
  4. Need help with my Gen 6 team!

    I really like the megakang, but I noticed that your team doesn't especially like earthquakes. There are a lot of powerful ground types with stab earthquake, and even your gourgeist won't like taking too many because it has rocky helmet instead of lefties. Furthermore, your team is also strongly...
  5. New to competitive Pokemon, here's my first team

    First of all, your Sylveon is running a full defensive spread. As you already have Gliscor and Gyarados, you want Sylveon running 252 special defense, 4 def instead. Also, to take care of set up pokemon, its almost critical to have a phazing move or a status move. On Sylveon, toxic is a must...