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  1. Tash

    A Change in UT

    This is a very post good sir. I am truly a new user. I've lurked Smogon for about a year now? I've only recently joined because I wanted to become competitive at the start of a new gen to have a fresh start. I am still not comfortable to post my ideas/thoughts a lot because I feel like I still...
  2. Tash

    Thanks a bunch man, you're awesome ^_^

    Thanks a bunch man, you're awesome ^_^
  3. Tash

    Didn't want to clutter the board, so I am here to say thank you for the advice! College seems...

    Didn't want to clutter the board, so I am here to say thank you for the advice! College seems like it is going to be a pain for me so all the help is appreciated friend :)
  4. Tash

    Serious how do you get your fulfilment?

    Success through hard work. Whether it is in a video game or in real life, when I work towards something important to me it makes me quite happy. Also friends. Friends are a great thing.
  5. Tash

    Serious LGBTQ

    Okay, yeah I kinda worded it poorly, I mainly wanted to say come out to someone who will support you first. Also I agree with the taking it one person at a time. Apologies for my failure in relaying my thoughts.
  6. Tash

    Serious LGBTQ

    As long as you're in a safe place to do so, meaning whoever you're coming out to is okay with gays, you should be fine and no need to be scared. Just be you man. If people judge ya for it, screw em.
  7. Tash

    Applying to college

    I am currently looking at colleges but at the same time, I feel kind of screwed. Due to my medical history I have missed a ridiculous amount of days of school. I am barely gonna pass with all my credits this year because of that and even now I still have issues screwing me over. Any advice on...
  8. Tash

    Waiting on X and Y to decide on a meta I like.

    Waiting on X and Y to decide on a meta I like.
  9. Tash

    Serious LGBTQ

    Makes perfect sense to me Spinda and I have an even number of gay friends split on the thought. I sadly dated one of the ones that only wanted sex (never gave it to him) and it was pretty depressing. That is where I think another issue shows up. Someone's first boyfriend/girlfriend can really...
  10. Tash

    Serious LGBTQ

    Some people are made uncomfortable by the words "gay" and "(BAN ME PLEASE)", and that is respectable. I personally use this words in a silly manner, never in a serious one, unless referring to someone who is actually gay. However if people are uncomfortable with me saying these words, I simply stop using...
  11. Tash

    Serious LGBTQ

    I too shall be your friend. Everyone is open to be my friend, I like people. Also dating when Trans is also a pain. Especially if you haven't started transitioning yet without an overly feminine form (me sadly). You can't find anyone, guy or girl, really, at least in my experience. I've always...
  12. Tash

    Complain about your stupid and probably insignificant problems

    Oh god, good luck then. And may Arceus watch over you friend.
  13. Tash

    Complain about your stupid and probably insignificant problems

    I'm a scrub and don't like feeling like a scrub... also gotta work on it which sucks too. Also for the math, I think you crazy not to love dem numbers.
  14. Tash

    Serious LGBTQ

    Hello, thought this be an appropriate place to start. Also PB I know if I have to have extensive "real life experience" I think I would die, possibly in a literal sense seeing how people do get beaten for this kind of thing. I do not have a feminine figure so if I had to do that I could not...
  15. Tash

    Hello, I am really into numbers, theory crafting and biggest of all Pokemon. I am hoping to...

    Hello, I am really into numbers, theory crafting and biggest of all Pokemon. I am hoping to become an active member of the community.