Smogon Forums

Cao Jie
Cao Jie
i'm +1 aswell, should be free pmuch any day tbh, do you have any preference? (i'm pretty flexible with schedules)
Melanie goes boating
Melanie goes boating
Hmmm maybe tomorrow in the afternoon or thursday, the weekends get a bit busy
Cao Jie
Cao Jie
Alright, tomorrow should be fine
Melanie goes boating
Cao Jie
Cao Jie
lmk at what time do you wanna play
Melanie goes boating
Melanie goes boating
Around 6 pm?
Cao Jie
Cao Jie
Cao Jie
Cao Jie
i'll be on main & stours as CaoJie
Cao Jie
Cao Jie
I might have to go soon (i'll still be free to play after 8pm for sure, or tomorrow anytime)
Melanie goes boating
Melanie goes boating
Yeah my brother had me occupied doing stuff... I'm sorry. We can try tomorrow and if something happens again u can take the win it's my fault