Smogon Forums

coral fan
coral fan
I'm pretty flexible overall but i'd prefer to battle in the afternoons (1pm GMT, 3pm CEST or later).

(wenn du auf deutsch uber die Kampfzeit sprechen willst, kann ich das versuchen. aber meine Englisch ist viel besser als meine Deutsch)
Hi there :)
we can talk in English, that´s totally fine! My timezone is CEST.

I´m quite flexible, too, but if you prefer battling in the afternoon, I would suggest we battle on Wednesday or Thursday, if that´s fine for you? On both days I´m free from about 1 pm CEST up to 6 pm CEST (so about 11 am to 4 pm GMT). If that doesn´t quite suit you, Sunday would also be a good option for me :)