Smogon Forums

Sam I Yam
Saturday would probably be best if you can make it. I may not be able to play until my evening on Sunday which would be kinda late for you (-4)
Sunday Untimes work pretty well for me so your Sunday evening is possible, I'll take that. If not, how about around 10 pm my time on Saturday?
Sam I Yam
hey man. ya lets shoot for that, if it falls through i should be around be around Sunday too
Sam I Yam
hey, is it at all possible for you to play just a little bit later? I have a pretty wicked fever and wanna try to sneak a nap in real quick
go ahead, that works better for me, too
Sam I Yam
ok i just made it so that ill get alerted when someone writes on my wall, so it'll wake me up. just pm me like 30 min or so before ud like to get ready to play .thx!
Sam I Yam
hey u still wanting to play?
oh fuck I forgot and went to bed early. Any time that works for you today? I really don't mind if it's at 4 am my time or anything, I'll make it.
Sam I Yam
Hey I can play tonight if you are up for it
Sure, any time works.
Just pm me on discord at GC#9292 or get someone else to do it whenever you're ready
Sam I Yam
Hey should be home in like 1.5-2.5 hours