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Morpheus represents blind faith whereas Locke represents skepticism. I actually really liked that Locke had no inputs on him, aka he was born in the real world and can never enter The Matrix. So of course he's really skeptical because he's never witnessed The Matrix or any of the miraculous things that can happen there. On the other hand, even when Morpheus finds out the prophecy was just another mode of control, he says "I don't believe that." Even their names fit, Locke is named after John Locke who was an empiricist, aka only believe what you can prove. Morpheus is literally named after a mythological god of dreams. An interesting thing to think about is if Locke was born in The Matrix, would he ever be able to escape it? Would he believe that it was fake?

Niobe drifted away from Morpheus because maybe she found his blind faith off-putting. Maybe she grew more skeptical as it took a while for The One to be found. The more skeptical and rational Locke would be more fitting in that case. But then after getting closer to Neo and the Oracle telling her that her destiny is to help Neo, she finds herself more faithful in the prophecy and comes back to Morpheus (the last time they are seen is when they are hugging). In the end, I do think they got back together.

They never explicitly say this, never have any dialogue saying why she split from Morpheus or saying that they'll get back together. But all the answers are there.