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  • can something be done about yeti? because this is not only in poor taste, it is a direct disregard for me in any way.
    I mean she's had a role name that involves me and Walrein's love child in ever more grotesque fashion for like her last five games so this is hardly new territory. I think she's an awful host but given very few people are hosting games at all at the moment I'm not sure there's much to be done. I might talk with DLE about limiting offensive role names to other users though
    Just thought I'd let you know that we finished our PS Staff Mafia pretty recently, and another one's going to come soon. Thanks for your help.
    Sadly even if I had the time to host another tournament, prized events have to be run by Riot a month in advance of their starting date. In other words, there's no way we could hold a prized online event at this point because the shut down is apparently less than a month away.
    Ah ok
    Wanna? pair
    I'm not averse to pairing with you but you backstabbed me once so why wouldn't you try to do that again?
    nah I'm a nice guy
    Are you still possibly interested in filling a spot in Fantasy Baseball? It's that time of year again and I'm going to murder biggie if he lets drcossack back in the league.
    ughhh idk if you need someone bad then maybe I could
    I mean, we just started getting organized this past weekend, so it's not like we are desperate right now. But we are looking to finalize owners somewhat soonish and we have 2 holes to fill.

    More or less gauging interest and reaching out to whatever baseball people I remember and you seemed kinda interested last year but not really. So I figured I'd ask.
    Ya I've liked it somewhat in years past, not really feeling it this year though. I'll fill if it turns out you need someone though.
    Yo you go to Notre Dame?
    I graduated this past Spring; I'm in grad school at Northwestern now.
    Kid Buu
    Kid Buu
    Oh wow this is super late cause i dont frequent these forums much anymore but i recognized ur name from watching my friend peter play when he was on the Notre Dame LoL team.
    can games be played on monday/some day after sunday? i wont be home all weekend
    You'll need to get a sub then. Games can't be played later because the result of the first round impacts the matchups for the second round. Sorry but it's important or else the games will never get played :(
    Hey, do you have the sources for the climate change thing? I'd like to look at them for educational purposes.
    I was actually surprised that you didn't throw your hat into the ring for cong mods. You seem like you'd be a good fit.
    Well you're a paragon of activity again. Moreover, I've heard people clamoring for a conservative voice in Cong. Despite being a liberal myself, I understand their concerns. And, since you're not a prick like most of the other conservatives in Cong are, you could totally provide a civilized voice for the minority.
    Yeah... retracted. Read your damn sources bud :P
    Didn't see your first comment but either way, I'm not a conservative in that I think conservative principles are foolish and those who subscribe to them tend to be idealogues (see Deck Knight); I do tend to be much more skeptical of liberal policies than most in Cong, however. I also do actually read my source(s) and find it a bit odd that Clinton supporters are upset at a quote being analyzed for relevance to the election (I was not commenting on the context) when such quotes are always analyzed for their results, rather than their context. In short, I wasn't arguing that Clinton's remarks were condemnable, I was commenting that it fit with a continuing narrative of Trump and Clinton making bizarre political gaffes when she ought to by all accounts have run away with the election. Such subtlety is not generally welcome with partisan political supporters, however, and as such attacks made against an analysis post on the basis of strawmen are not worth my time responding to.
    What Master Ribbon is talking about is freeform roleplaying, which takes place on Showdown and places like Serebii. It's closer to those "escape from bad gateway" threads that Rodan never finishes in Firebot, so I don't think it really fits the serious nature of Circ. I know Ullar invited Master Ribbon to #flamel so that the people there could get to know him and vice/versa, but I don't know if he's showed yet.
    Ok that's sort of what I figured, but given I'm not that familiar with it I figured I'd get confirmation.
    He hasn't showed, for wahtever reason
    can me and phoenix get some feedback on our nomic? according to him its been a while.
    My original concerns still stand but you can go ahead and run it if you like, if it doesn't work it doesn't work and if I'm wrong then even better
    You're quite a rational person, or at least not one sided on one or the other. Either way, I respect that.
    I appreciate that, though I'm used to taking plenty of shit from both sides of the political spectrum due to how partisan and fanatic people are these days. The result is that whichever side of the political spectrum is in the minority tends to identify with my views, which means that in a forum so left-leaning I appear much more conservative than I am.
    I personally identify as a decently right (I think I scored a -3 on the political compass) libertarian. But I respect centrists. It's not even the fact that a lot of people in the thread are fanatics, though, it's just the amount of strawmans they make against people that have disagreeing views, even though the points they make are mostly made without much substance at all.

    I'm guessing you're quite in the center, but just note that I can respect you even if you make claims against my viewpoint. I'm pro intellectual discussion, but not logical fallacies and irrational responses.
    I'm not joking around either about DLE's game, I'm very serious about taking it up and staying committed to the end. If you do not feel like this is a good course of action please let me know why other than "your track record sucks."
    Fine. In the mean time, I'll just keep bugging him.
    Ok well DLE said you should 'maybe' finish hosting it, I'd say post in the thread and get everyone to PM you over the course of, say, two days to see who needs to be subbed
    Alrighty, I'll do that now.
    gonna make an osi thread about introducing the idea of banning role pm copypasterino? i think theres a lot to talk about there and its a worthwhile discussion
    I'm thinking that banning flavor and win con c/p would be best. Action explanation might be good to allow in case there's confusion about a role.
    O shit ur a mod; who's idea was that?
    Pls no infract ;'D hahaha

    Here's hoping to you not becoming a zorbees and deleting the game thread in rage amirite
    But srs, congratulations!
    Shit I literally just bought the forgotten expansion, good thing I hadn't forgotten... hehehehheh. It's been years but I might be down for some playing.
    Definitely! Let me know when you can I'm playing with another guy in like an hour if you could make that but just in general lmk
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