Smogon Forums

Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
I think I'd prefer the ultra ball one. I added you to make things simpler, I should be available pretty much the rest of the day if that works
im not gonna be home till like 10 est but if that doesnt work for ya ill be on all day tomorrow
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
as of now I can't think of why I wouldn't be able to get online then, I'll be ready
hey sorry i didnt get a chance to trade with you last night, i have the helioptile ready!
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
No problem, can you trade now?
agh sorry i missed this message and logged off. i can hop online tho
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
I'll be online in a minute