Smogon Forums

I actually was up early but wasn't sure if you were awake. I should be around tonight
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
I have classes tomorrow but I'll see if I can catch you after them, about 15 hours from now.
is it 15 hours from now? I kinda took a break from technology for a few days to read some books
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
Yeah it was about. I crashed for a quick sleep after my classes though. Tomorrow I end earlier so maybe then. Sorry this is becoming a pain, even to just get you your Skarm.
My sleeping schedule is all messed up anyway so I'm not even sure when I'm available
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
That's no good :(. I'm not the best with sleeping either but I know what times during the day I'm not around. You're New York time aren't you?
Yep but that doesn't mean much to me as I'm on a weird sort of midnight schedule. I can trade now and then do the foxes later. I'll get the eggs all set and let you know what my results are
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
:( Ive left for classes. What time is it now for you? Would you be around this time or a little earlier/later tmz?
I might be. Its 715 right now.
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
AM or PM? :O Yeah, just tell me what works for you.
That was pm. I should be around for a while but I can't make any promises since my schedule has been a little crazy
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
See you were in convo 4 mins ago, still here? :O
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
Thanks! Sorry it took so long. Thanks for the Magikarp too.
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
Also, if I can help hold the Eggs I will, though I dunno if our timezones like each other much at the moment :(.
Once I'm done downloading the ORAS demos then you can be my assistant in my time traveling.
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
Grats on ORAS demo. I didn't bother on the signup lol. Just trading EnGarde/getting some hatches done but after that I'll be around for you to give me Eggs.
Just figured it would give me something to do for shits and giggles. It's probably going to be another 10 minutes for me
Lady Valkyrie
Lady Valkyrie
Does the demo get your anything unique? I know US or so gets like the Glalie but I'm not US or Japan :P.