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  • Yeah, my Draik was initially black, but was zapped by Boochi and I didn't feel like redoing the paint. Was also kinda pissed 'cuz I had a morphing potion which was taken by a random event. I'm probably one of the few that knew what you mean by "caps," though, and I actually got All Star in the Altador cup back when I didn't mind endless grinding. I'm curious, who won this year, if you know? Or is it still going on?
    They deleted the color change REs, Boochi shows up but always misses. Such a blessing since I can have my Water Draik as my active. AC was Haunted Woods/Virtupets/Moltara (my team). Only time we haven't been dead last I'm pretty sure lol. I was trying to grind to All Star but it got so boring and my laptop was crashed half the time.
    Loving the OR team :D
    :D I'm pumped for the game. I'm EVing them so they don't get hood EVs from playing earlygame.
    Nice :) You're gonna sweep through the gyms!
    Yeah haha I'm putting some TMs on them too (lv1 Thunderbolt + Dazzling Gleam Ralts 2 stronk) so I'm not stuck spamming Tackle. They're all lv1 so I figure it's a fair tradeoff to grind them with EVs and TMs.
    I have the two mudkip clones, providing Goodini is ready would you like trade?
    4656 6829 8881, I'll add you and hop online.
    Yay thanks so much for the trade :3 We're both pumped to play the RS remakes with the Mudkips.
    Thanks for the trade!
    Hey i have an egg matching your SV 1614, it would be super awesome if you could hatch it for me :) I'll give you a 5IV or a trophy shiny in return Edit: FC is 3239-4277-7107
    Hi, idk if you still need your egg hatched, I hadn't looked at XY for months, but if you do I'll hatch it for you now; sorry for the delay!
    Hey yeti, I'm a new user, but I like mafia and since you are starting a new one I can send you some role PM's that I made If you don't want to have to make them.
    ah, I'm sorry...
    by the way, do you know around when your mafia will start?
    It depends, Acklow's will be starting first unless he goes out of the country. His game is also significantly larger than mine so you should sign up for that one, you'll have much better odds of getting in.
    Hey dude! I'm really sorry for just vanishing for a month! Stuff came up and I COMPLETELY forgot about our vivillon trade. If you're still interested let me know. If not that's cool. My fault for forgetting. : D;
    Of those, river and high plains are the ones I need. And yeah, instacheck's death really hurts. Maybe we can do the trade this weekend? I'll have time. And if I ever come across more shiny vivillon after this I'll be sure to let you know. My X has polar native and my Y will hopefully have native ocean (haven't started yet, but plan to try for ocean pattern), so I'll probably have those at some point too.
    This weekend works fine, my High Plains has a nickname as well if you're fine with that. If I stumble across any others I'll drop you a line as well. Just let me know when you're available for it.
    Hey let me know when you're available to trade!
    So, you're looking for shiny vivillon, yes? If you don't mind nicknames I could let you clone one of mine, perhaps in exchange for a clone of your shiny river vivillon? I have sandstorm, sun, monsoon, icy snow, and continental. Only sandstorm and continental are unnamed. Alternately, I still have a couple unhatched icy snow and monsoon scatterbug eggs with known shiny values I think.
    Yes that would be wonderful! I'm slowly working towards the full set but Instacheck's death put a wedge in that. I have: Monsoon, River, Sandstorm, High Plains, Modern. I don't mind nicknames at all. I could use Sun, Icy Snow and Continental off your list, pick as many as you need that I have and hopefully we can work something out!
    I am Sorry to bother you.
    I have an egg which shiny value is 1614.
    Would you please help me to hatch it?

    I will give you 5ivs ralts.
    Ralts (M) - Timid, Telepathy, 31\8\31\31\31\31 [2981]

    My FC is 0361-6540-8772

    I am looking forward to your response.
    Thank you.
    Replied to your PM, I'll be online.
    I have an egg that matches your TSV, could you please hatch it for me? The best I have in return is Pokerus, or if I happen to have a Pokémon you want.
    hi, Yeti. I need your help to hatch an shiny egg. thanks. my fc 1075-1595-2229 ID way
    Could you send my Dunsparce back too? I use it to know I'm trading with the right person.
    i just have an egg for you. thanks.
    Ty for the egg, enjoy your Marill!
    Hey Yeti! I saw your Shiny Value on the document and I could really use your assistance. It's just one egg so I hope it's not too much to ask.
    Hey, I really appreciate your help!
    Haha pardon me, didn't check the gender, cute little girl* :p
    I forgot about that too lol I was shocked as well. Thank you so much!
    Hi Yeti i have an egg with your SV that matches any chance you may hatch it for me? it's close to hatching already :O i can give iv pokemons or legendaries in return for your kind and thankful time hehe you'll get "JINX" :d
    Hello! :) I have an egg who's SV matches yours! Would you be willing to hatch it for me? :)
    If you can get it to 'Close to hatching' or give me HP 3, sure. 4656 6829 8881 IGN Yeti, tell me your details.
    Hey dude I have an egg with the same shiny value as you as well, do you think you can help me out?
    My FC is Andy 1934-0673-0972. My shiny value is 2744 if you ever need anything I will be glad to help.
    I have you added already.
    Okay I got the egg to "it'll hatch soon" and I am currently online. Add me when you can.
    Added you, hopping online now, sorry was sorting my own eggs so I didn't check Smogon.
    Thanks I really appreciate it. Let me know if you need anything.
    Hi I noticed that my egg has the same SV as you and I was wondering if you could please hatch it for me? My FC is 5300 - 8768 - 5756 and my SV is 2024 if you have a matching egg you would like me to hatch.
    enjoy the fox, been breeding them myself. cute little guy!
    Thank you very much. I'll be here if you need me for some hatching as well.
    Hey bro I got some modest 5 out of 6 noibats, max IVs in everything except for defense, want 'em? ( the attack IV will help with U-Turn )
    Hi I seen your post in the wifi forum
    Can I offer you any starters for any pokemon with Pokerus?
    The song you posted, well i checked it out. I wasnt even planning on listening to more than a few seconds (like most of the others i checked out as well), but i haven't been able to stop listening to it ever since and i'm not quite sure why. In fact it is playing now as i type this out.

    Studio Killers - Eros and Apollo
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