Recent content by Unova Pokemon Trainer

  1. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    The Best and Worst Boss Fights in Pokemon

    I'd say the best was Cynthia. She was a tough challenge to beat, and really got the best out of her team. Her team is well balanced, and the battle gets tougher as it progresses. I don't know who I'd choose for the worst, though.
  2. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    I think Pokemon games need to have the option to skip cutscenes. It can be annoying to have to sit through and watch the dialogue cutscenes at times, especially if you've already played the game and are just replaying through it.
  3. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Social Why did you join Smogon?

    Because I wanted to join a forum to discuss Pokemon games, and a quick Google search revealed this forum, - which looked like a fantastic place, so I joined and have enjoyed posting on here so far.
  4. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Social What's something that made you happy recently?

    My family and I visiting some relatives today.
  5. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Would you prefer if the campaign was mostly double battles?

    I's be fine it they did this. In fact I'd like to see a three v three battle. That would be change the gameplay a bit at times. In fact, I think it would be cool if there was a 2 player multiplayer mode added to the campain story.
  6. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    How did your favourite Pokemon become your favourite?

    Charizard is my favourite because of how epic it was in the show. I remember always enjoying the action in the battles it was involved in. Not to mention it's very iconic.
  7. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    Yeah, you're most likely right about it being here to stay now. :( It's something I hope will be turned off in future games, but I'm not going to hold my breath for it. Yeah, hopefully levelling is handled better in future games. If this is the case, then the EXP share problem won't be as bad...
  8. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Your Favourite Place (Route, City, etc.) in Pokemon

    I'll do my favourites for each region (except Kanto, Hoenn, and Alola, since I haven't played games set in those two regions before) Johto: The town that has those sports-themed Pokemon tournaments. These were fun to compete it and something that I think should be bought back in later games...
  9. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Pokemon Masters

    I used to play Pokemon Masters a couple of years back, but got bored of it after a couple of months. I found the gameplay got repetetive very quickly and found it too basic. It's an alright game, especially for casual gamers. But I think there are better spin-off Pokemon games out there.
  10. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Mons you can't go without in-game?

    I always use my starter on my team throughout the entire games from the start to finish, as they help balance the typing of my teams. Usaully I'll always have at least one Water-Type, Fire-Type, and Flying-Type Pokemon on my final team.
  11. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Starting over your pokemon games...

    I started over my Pokemon X file a few years back, but that's the only time I ever restarted one of my files.
  12. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    Hopefully they'll be removed in the gen 9 games.
  13. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Time, Darkness and Sky; The BEST MD Games ever

    They were cetainly improvements on the first MD game. But my favourite is probably EoT. The first MD game certainly had a good plot that was suspenceful amd started off interesting. However, at somepoint the pacing becomes far too slow and the player is stuck doing the same missions over and...
  14. Unova Pokemon Trainer

    Media Your favourite albums?

    My favourite album were the early Beetles albums. I heard about the songs lots from my grandparents when I was younger, before I even realised who the Beetles were.