Recent content by Trepaws

  1. Ditto Giveaway Part 5

    Looking for the timid ditto 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 | 31 Ditto Untouched IGN: Trepaws Message: Buckert Timid Pokemon Deposited: level 6 Wurmple (female) Pokemon Requested: level 91-100 Ditto
  2. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    Thank you so very much! But I'd also like a venonat. I deposited a level 15 slakoth. It was sniped, put a lvl 100 male venonat up
  3. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    I'd like a heracross please, depositing a lvl 14 female oddish. Ign: trepaws (as usual.)
  4. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    Ok I put up a lvl 52 male scyther I believe Received, thank you!
  5. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    Ok great I put up a lvl 12 male Abra ***sniped, added a lvl 3 male seedot.
  6. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    I doubt you are still on but when you reply I'll put up another poke.
  7. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    I'm adding a lvl 12 male onix for the scyther. Ign is still trepaws, thanks.
  8. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    If you are on at the moment could I get the scyther? Also id like the shiny seedot if I could. I put a level 2 Japanese female zigzagoon in for the scyther.
  9. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    I put up a lvl1 male fletchling for the koffing. Ign: trepaws. Thank you so much!
  10. My balls can be your balls (a thank you giveaway)

    I was wondering if the exeggcute had the hidden ability? In addition to that Pokemon I'd like cleffa, feebass, chansey, houndour, and aipom. I won't bother putting anything up just yet, let me know when you're on and I'll be back.
  11. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    I put a lvl. 14 volbeat up, also I would like to get the koffing if I could. Please and thank you.
  12. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    Can I please have the vital spirit female Magby, I put a lvl. 1 male fletchling. IGN: Trepaws
  13. Pokemon give way for July 9-December 31 [COMPLETE]

    Sorry, what are the ivs?
  14. Pokemon give way for July 9-December 31 [COMPLETE]

    I put up a lv.17 male spinda.
  15. Help Me Solve My Hoarding Problem[Pikachu Cup Giveaway]

    How soon if you don't mind me asking?