Recent content by Sephy Took My Name

  1. CAP34 - Part 12 - Name Poll 1

    Dracaboose Chuggadrugga Rexhaust Leviatram Chuggaryuryu Chuggalong Drexpress Granderbilt
  2. CAP 34 - Art Poll 2

    Scepticskep Felis Licht ausma Gravity Monkey Chillie Yokaiju StephXPM
  3. CAP 34 - Art Poll 1

    RetroPlasmm ProteinsOfLove HealthGage Gaboswampert Felis Licht breadstickslug Yilx ausma Chillie Scepticskep Reiga Kyphoon EnderTrenton Explosion Badger sun_dew Acerbus_Sigil Golurkyourself Yokaiju Falchion T-Okay DougJustDoug Quotidian Gravity Monkey Scizivire
  4. CAP 34 - Part 4 - Ability Poll 2

    Armor Tail/Dazzling/Queenly Majesty Unburden Mold Breaker
  5. CAP 34 - Part 4 - Ability Poll 1

    Armor Tail/Dazzling/Queenly Majesty Unburden Mold Breaker Speed Boost Levitate Supreme Overlord
  6. CAP 34 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 2

    Psychic/Fighting Fighting/Electric Dragon/Poison
  7. CAP 34 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

    Psychic/Fighting Fire/Electric Fighting/Electric
  8. CAP Fan Content Thread

    with sunfished, proteinsoflove, and ph4nt45m's designs, we now have two mechs (possibly back down to one mech depending on if i scrap my current design or not), an angel, and a submarine in the cap 33 art submissions thread. so i was legally obligated to make an evangelion reference. i've never...
  9. CAP 33 - Art Submissions

    WIP started working on this one before multiscale won the poll so it doesn't quite fit the ability, but even if i end up finding a different idea i'm just way too proud of "sea sponge mech piloted by a comically tiny fish" to not send it in aside from the multiscale thing (and also just...
  10. CAP 33 - Part 3 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Filter Multiscale Rough Skin Mold Breaker Pressure
  11. CAP 33 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    Identity Crisis Very Fast Immovable Object No Shuckles Given
  12. CAP 33 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 1

    Identity Crisis Very Fast Immovable Object Catch-22 Parry and Riposte Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal Version 3.3 No Shuckles Given Position is Key
  13. CAP 33 - Part 1 - Concept Submissions

    WIP, will try and flesh out soon Name: Unexplored Potential Description: This Pokemon takes advantage of an obscure, overlooked, or seemingly redundant aspect of an existing ability, effect, or other mechanic in a way that sets itself apart from other Pokemon who commonly use that mechanic...
  14. CAP 32 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 2

    Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal Schrodinger's CAP Bang Average
  15. Tournament SV CAP Kickoff Tour - Round 1

    lost in 3, ggs