Recent content by QuimicVital

  1. CAP 16 CAP 5 - Art Submissions

    A rough draft
  2. CAP 16 CAP 5 - Part 2 - Typing Poll 1

    Electric/Grass Electric/Dark Grass/Dark Grass/Dragon Grass/Fighting
  3. CAP 16 CAP 5 - Concept Submissions

    Name: Legacy General Description: A Pokémon that leaves a perfect path for a select group of sweepers quickly, not affected much by conditions. However, it should be rendered useless easily after doing its job, to make it a on-time-use. Justification: A one-time-use resort set up for your...
  4. CAP 4 Pre-evos - Part 8 - Dex Entry Submissions

    FINAL SUBMISSION Cupra Copper Larva Pokémon Black: Its shell used to be considered one of the most sacred elements in some past civilizations. Due to this, they were often glorified. White: Looking right into Cupra's eyes can put someone a bit sleepy, it's believed that this is Cupra's way...
  5. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Part 8 - Name Submissions

    Final Submission: Xymutt (an alteration of psy, to xy, and mutt an also big alteration of butterfly)
  6. CAP 15 CAP 4 - Sprite Submissions

    An attempt at a front sprite, using artist licence:
  7. CAP 2 Pre-evo - Part 6.2 - Name poll 2

    Whisberry Necturine sounds horrible, Nectite doesn't sound creative enough.
  8. CAP 2 Pre-evo - Part 2.1 - Ability poll

    Cute Charm / Telepathy