Recent content by PsychLantern

  1. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Art Poll 1

    Gravity Monkey Morghulis Psy the Psychic Boss Quotidian Yokaiju NoahIOTJ Meliiow I picked them based on how well they can convey stats and typing in my eyes.
  2. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Art Submissions

    We just need to tag our design as a Final Submission to make it eligble, right?
  3. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Art Submissions

    Final Submission I think I'll submit this as the final version. Once again, feedback is very welcome. Origins/Inspirations/Design: This design blends in differents animals. While, there is clearly a salamander aspect, given away by the slippery skin and the poison typing, there is also a bunch...
  4. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Art Submissions

    I made my design look a bit more "wet" to get it closer to the poisonous salamander aspect that plays a bit of a role in its base design and gave it a bit more detail. I also colored it and tried to show the color change aspect more with its tail Mod edit: images too big
  5. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Art Submissions

    Thanks a lot for the feedback! I can definitely see the colors complementing the typing and theme really well. I think I will try to make it shiny to convey a salamander skin of sorts. As for your design, I feel like blending the Decorator Crab and Claw Machine ideas could work really well...
  6. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Art Submissions

    My main idea here was a mon based on an anole (a lizard with big spiky-looking throat thing and that is also capable of changing color). I made it really top-heavy and gave it a weird face to avoid similarities to other lizard mons from Gen 8 (Inteleon and Toxtricity). Additionally, frog and...
  7. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 4 - Typing Poll 1

    Water / Poison Dark / Poison Flying / Ground Electric / Ghost Fire / Fighting
  8. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 4 - Typing Discussion

    I see the appeal of having a poison immunity right now and I do like the suggestion many brought up of a Water/Poison, since a lot of the mons pointed out to have a disadvantage to Color Change have STABs that can be resisted by it or only hit it neutrally, giving a greater chance of a safe...
  9. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 4 - Typing Discussion

    4- If we want to make a sweeper, I feel like a Burn immunity is the most valuable, since it would keep its attack from being lowered very early on so it can properly sweep. Paralysis sounds like another very interesting thing to consider due to the possibility of leaving the mon vulnerable so...
  10. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 4 - Typing Discussion

    1- I think initial typing is crucial when planning switch-ins. Being able to resist a predicted move is invaluable for it to work both as a Color Change user and a setup sweeper, since it would allow it to effectively switch into the mons the ability would benefit from. Additionally, I don't...
  11. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 3 - Concept Assessment 2

    I'm leaning towards the offensive pivot option. Color Change is an ability that can be easily played around defensively, but I feel like giving it an offensive twist to punish the foe's attack attempts sounds like the best use we can make out of the ability to me. Of course, it would need a...
  12. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 3 - Concept Assessment 2

    I don't think there's really a reason to put a second ability. If we want our mon to revolve solely around one ability, then keeping it as its only one is the easiest way to not only make it work with it, but also to keep a focus in the current project.
  13. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 2 - Primary Ability Poll 2

    Emergency Exit Defeatist Color Change
  14. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 2 - Primary Ability Poll 1

    Emergency Exit Slow Start Defeatist Emergency Exit is the one interesting me the most since it seems to me like an interesting direction that could open a variety of niches (both offensive and supportive) based on keeping momentum. Slow Start is also quite interesting to me since I'd really...
  15. PsychLantern

    CAP 29 - Part 2 - Primary Ability Discussion

    If a mon activates Color Change, will it be changed into a monotype? Asking this so I can try to think of something for it too.