Recent content by Neverlend

  1. Getting Back Into Pokemon-A Warstory

    Great battle,just won against sansword yesterday,and it was pretty close too! Swampert was my triumph card in that battle,saving me from being starmie raped
  2. Coming Spring 2009

    Restalk champ could be an option istead of flygon,with EQ/Ice punch and dynamic punch/CC (I guess the defense drop from CC makes machamp very frail,and the confusion from Dynamic punch helps with restalk) You can try forrestres istead of starmie,setting up SR,swtching in Draco meteor/Outrages...
  3. The Musical Talent of Smogon

    Its good to see people like you DM.Classical is the way to go to learn music,in my opinion
  4. The Musical Talent of Smogon

    I play classical guitar and flamenco...but i think its none of your interest lol
  5. Grand Theft Overrated

    The thing i'm trying to say is that the "Casual" game(a 15 year old boy who had never played a FF,for example)Usually looks on the internet for a review before buying a game,so,when the boy looks at the amazing reviews,he BUYS the game.I dont care if he buys the game or not,he BUYS it. Another...
  6. Your Top 10 Favourite Video Games of All Time

    I think that there are BIG flaws here,because i feel like there's the classic"Nintendo user" and the "PSX/2/3 user" so i'm just going to mention some games that i think deserve respect(without a rank,of course) SILENT HILL: Wow,what to say about SH...well,the best survival horror,always at the...
  7. Grand Theft Overrated

    I Think that the fact that the casual player is gatting bigger and bigger is affeting the ratings that a game has...i think that GTA4 was made for the casual player,and is not San andreas. Taking that into account,it isnt a bad game at all,but comparing it with ANY other GTA(Except liberty city...
  8. Final Fantasy 12 1 and 2

    I choosed balthier,but,the truth is that the plot of FFXII was the worst plot of the FF history(yeah,i think the plot of X-2 is best than XII). I played the game through getting 100% of completion every time,and as i played,i realized i didn't even new the history of each character! When i...
  9. A cure for AIDS is ever closer.

    ¿So the treatment is basically a bone marrow transplant from a person who is naturally resistant or inmune to HIV? If that's the case,i'll be very hard to find bone marrow doners that can resist HIV I'll take a long time and A LOT of money to find a reliable source of bone marrow...but its...
  10. The Soccer thread

    Messi has done so much to barcelona that he can leave anytime he wants The treatment was very expensive,yes,but messi payed it a very long time ago,playing in barcelona to pay it,without having pay Now he can leave,but the real reason is that he's very comfortable there,he's friends,and a life...
  11. Why do people think Christianity is better than Islam?

    Because islam resembles people of 9-11,and because of the fact that the world was in the church's hand for 1000 years
  12. The Nerdiest Love Song You Have Ever Heard

    ehhm...i think that something from wayne's world will do
  13. 2008 Olympics

    I'm very proud argentina did great in team sporst Gold in footbal(AKA soccer)bronze in basket and fem hockey USA did great this year in basket,teraing apart every single team,congratulations!
  14. Metallica's New Album: Death Magnetic

    Its a very good song,but its no puppets MetallicA is a great band,great,but is a comercial band.Period I'm a fan of MetallicA(as you can see,my username is a deformation of the Enter Sandman chorus(We're off to neverland))but i dont deny the fact that metallica is comercial... Well,i'm expecting...
  15. In Your Opinion, What's the Best Typing (OFFENSE)?

    Ice fight....the combo covers ALONE 11 of 17 types and hit neutral for the other 6 Not bad,huh?