Mr.GX's latest activity

  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on Borghi's profile post.
    Can you push it to 10 am my time, cus got some work to do before that
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on Borghi's profile post.
    GMT +5:30, usually free in the mornings or later in the evenings my time. What about you? We can go for weekends if you free then
  • Mr.GX
    Won 2-0 vs masa, ggs. G1: G2...
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on Mr.GX's profile post.
    Coming online
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on Mr.GX's profile post.
    I can do 21:30 my time if it's okay with you? Thursday?
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX left a message on masa's profile.
    Hi, we play for VGC ssnls. GMT +5:30 here, usually free in the mornings or later in the evenings. What about you?
  • Mr.GX
    Won 2-1 vs volcaronavgc , ggs. G1: G2...
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX left a message on volcaronavgc's profile.
    Fite when for Kick Off Reg G tour? GMT +5:30 here, usually free in the mornings or evenings. wbu
  • Mr.GX
    Won 2-1 vs Bouff, ggs. G1: G2...
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on Mr.GX's profile post.
    I can play, am on as MisterGX
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on Mr.GX's profile post.
    There is still an hour to go
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on Mr.GX's profile post.
    Okie, cya then
  • Mr.GX
    Won 2-0 vs KeanuVGC, ggs. G1: G2...
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on KeanuVGC's profile post.
    I'm online as MisterGX, you can send chall
  • Mr.GX
    Mr.GX commented on KeanuVGC's profile post.
    How about Wednesday 21:30 your time then? Would be my Thursday 10:00 AM.