Recent content by MiniTank

  1. maybe but probably

    maybe but probably
  2. I can trade now if your available

    I can trade now if your available
  3. Sorry I was packing all day since I'm in the middle of moving soooo I can help you tomorrow if...

    Sorry I was packing all day since I'm in the middle of moving soooo I can help you tomorrow if you still need something but I doubt it.
  4. On my way

    On my way
  5. Np :)

    Np :)
  6. alright on my way

    alright on my way
  7. sorry I left for a bit but I can trade now vm me back when you're ready

    sorry I left for a bit but I can trade now vm me back when you're ready
  8. hey I can help you distribute

    hey I can help you distribute
  9. yeah the whats its name is done at like lvl 9 if you want me to lvl it up to lvl 19 and then...

    yeah the whats its name is done at like lvl 9 if you want me to lvl it up to lvl 19 and then trade it to you
  10. lol I didn't switch the item he was holding so it was an exp share T.T hes a timid raichu...

    lol I didn't switch the item he was holding so it was an exp share T.T hes a timid raichu probably going to put a live orb or something like that. That crit your swellow got on claydol won you that game probably since I was going to set up a reflect o well. great battle
  11. lol I didn't switch the item he was holding so it was an exp share T.T hes a timid raichu...

    lol I didn't switch the item he was holding so it was an exp share T.T hes a timid raichu probably going to put a live orb or something like that. That crit your swellow got on claydol won you that game probably since I was going to set up a reflect o well. great battle
  12. gg

  13. if you want to battle sure except I'm not that good if you want to battle vm me back. UU?

    if you want to battle sure except I'm not that good if you want to battle vm me back. UU?
  14. Got to make a trade real quick sorry

    Got to make a trade real quick sorry
  15. sure in my way

    sure in my way