Recent content by Luduan

  1. what are you clowns honking about

    what are you clowns honking about
  2. settle down cowboy

    settle down cowboy
  3. okay, i reported you for

    okay, i reported you for
  4. f

  5. why can't i view your profile, Ass?

    why can't i view your profile, Ass?
  6. nice pipe-smoking skeleton bro

    nice pipe-smoking skeleton bro
  7. i saw your impeached president stole a vaccine or something. nice scandal.

    i saw your impeached president stole a vaccine or something. nice scandal.
  8. nice THE STALIN album

    nice THE STALIN album
  9. hmm, look, it's an Ass

    hmm, look, it's an Ass
  10. sup

  11. Make Peru Great Again

    Make Peru Great Again
  12. hmm i'm right here, looks like you're all washed up.

    hmm i'm right here, looks like you're all washed up.
  13. uh, sort of. i don't log in very often or read the forums regularly. how are you?

    uh, sort of. i don't log in very often or read the forums regularly. how are you?
  14. 2012 USA Election Thread: Obama projected winner

    It isn't (unfortunately)
  15. 2012 USA Election Thread: Obama projected winner

    Well, that's convenient.