Recent content by gid

  1. sorry I won't be able to tonight you can take the win, apologies

    sorry I won't be able to tonight you can take the win, apologies
  2. um depends on the time I stay up rather late and this time is kinda bad for me

    um depends on the time I stay up rather late and this time is kinda bad for me
  3. hey ZU when you free im gmt 0

    hey ZU when you free im gmt 0
  4. Do you mind if I send you specific times closer to then?

    Do you mind if I send you specific times closer to then?
  5. hiya, im gmt and id prefer to play next Friday or after if thats okay? And similarly I'm free...

    hiya, im gmt and id prefer to play next Friday or after if thats okay? And similarly I'm free all day
  6. The ZU Open: Round One (Still Looking For Substitutes)

    requesting a sub if there is one, otherwise act win
  7. hey you able to fight today?

    hey you able to fight today?
  8. 8pm your time?

    8pm your time?
  9. ill be on main as giid

    ill be on main as giid
  10. can we say tomorrow at 9 your time then?

    can we say tomorrow at 9 your time then?
  11. ah okie dokie late is best for me, say 6 your time tomorrow?

    ah okie dokie late is best for me, say 6 your time tomorrow?
  12. ah sorry I completely forgot. you free the entire week?

    ah sorry I completely forgot. you free the entire week?
  13. um tomorrow night around 9 your time?

    um tomorrow night around 9 your time?
  14. what name? I'm on as giid

    what name? I'm on as giid