Recent content by GaryTheGengar

  1. GaryTheGengar

    OU BW OU Tiering Discussion [SURVEY POST 40]

    Its awesome having new players show interest in the bw community, but you aren't entitled to a vote after playing bw for the two hours that it took to qualify. Do you really have an informed opinion about cloysters impact on the tier compared to someone who has played the tier for an extended...
  2. GaryTheGengar

    OU BW OU Tiering Discussion [SURVEY POST 40]

    I know I'm going to come across as kind of an elitist asshole in this post but I've got to raise my concerns somewhere. I take issue with how this vote is being conducted - mainly the requirements. I don't think there should be ladder eligibility to qualify. In my opinion, if you want to vote...
  3. GaryTheGengar

    OU SPL XV BW Discussion (and now some tiering discussion)

    first and foremost a thundurus-t ban is a terrible idea. I completely agree that it's near impossible to prepare for in the builder and the proper set will always wreak havoc, but viewing the mon as a whole shows that its quite underwhelming. Thundurus is significantly less dangerous outside of...
  4. GaryTheGengar

    fruit flies like a banana

    fruit flies like a banana
  5. GaryTheGengar

    time flies like an arrow

    time flies like an arrow
  6. GaryTheGengar

    11 pm yours that is

    11 pm yours that is
  7. GaryTheGengar

    11 pm seems like a safer bet for now. lets shoot for that

    11 pm seems like a safer bet for now. lets shoot for that
  8. GaryTheGengar

    ADV Cup IX - Round 5 [Replays Required]

    won ggs
  9. GaryTheGengar

    im on main

    im on main
  10. GaryTheGengar

    ready whenever u are

    ready whenever u are
  11. GaryTheGengar

    i'm gmt +8, so 12 hour difference. I can't ever make these early times, so unless you can play...

    i'm gmt +8, so 12 hour difference. I can't ever make these early times, so unless you can play at like 11pm or later, 11am is probably our best bet
  12. GaryTheGengar

    BW Cup XI - Quarterfinals [ALL REPLAYS REQUIRED]

    won vs so noisy with the help of some luck g3 thank you for being accommodating with my hectic scheduling today
  13. GaryTheGengar


  14. GaryTheGengar

    alright, my schedule is kinda in flux right now, but do you want to aim for like 8pm on friday...

    alright, my schedule is kinda in flux right now, but do you want to aim for like 8pm on friday or something?
  15. GaryTheGengar

    Hey we are paired for adv cup. Im GMT +8, mainly available my nights. When do you wanna play?

    Hey we are paired for adv cup. Im GMT +8, mainly available my nights. When do you wanna play?