Recent content by Fromkas

  1. Fromkas

  2. 8 as in 10 minutes from now? I can do that.

    8 as in 10 minutes from now? I can do that.
  3. Still good for 9 your time?

    Still good for 9 your time?
  4. Okay np, just heard I’m not working that Monday so it’s all good

    Okay np, just heard I’m not working that Monday so it’s all good
  5. It's a bit late for me but if that's the only time you have that works I can make it work

    It's a bit late for me but if that's the only time you have that works I can make it work
  6. How early in the morning can you play? I'm GMT -4 and busy until 6 pm my time every weekday so I...

    How early in the morning can you play? I'm GMT -4 and busy until 6 pm my time every weekday so I can play during your mornings. If that doesn't work I'm more free on the weekends and could play either during your mornings or nights.
  7. Tournament Gen 9 Random Doubles Open - HaunterBoy28 Wins!

    Won vs Frozoid in 3, ggs wp
  8. Just sent challenge

    Just sent challenge
  9. If you’re cool with it I can go in 10-15 minutes

    If you’re cool with it I can go in 10-15 minutes
  10. Yeah fuck my bad, is there anytime today you can do or is it too late

    Yeah fuck my bad, is there anytime today you can do or is it too late
  11. Sure that sounds good

    Sure that sounds good
  12. Do you have a preference for when you want to play?

    Do you have a preference for when you want to play?
  13. Okay I'm gmt -4 so there's a pretty big difference. Would you rather play during the week or...

    Okay I'm gmt -4 so there's a pretty big difference. Would you rather play during the week or over the weekend? It would probably be easier to schedule something for Saturday or Sunday.
  14. Tournament Gen 9 Random Doubles Open - HaunterBoy28 Wins!

    Won vs relevartemit, ggs, well played
  15. Okay, sounds good

    Okay, sounds good