Recent content by Eidolon Stratagem

  1. Eidolon Stratagem

    SM OU Thicc Boys Rise Up - Need Team Assistance

    Thanks for the info, I really appreciate you taking the time to help me with this team.
  2. Eidolon Stratagem

    SM OU Thicc Boys Rise Up - Need Team Assistance

    Hey! Thanks for the rate! I took a little bit of time trying out the changes you suggested (so far I've primarily used the Mew over Heatran, since there is a part of me that dreads running a team that gets 6-0ed by a single pokemon), and I've got to say that the team definitely feels more solid...
  3. Eidolon Stratagem

    SM OU Thicc Boys Rise Up - Need Team Assistance

    Thicc Boys Rise Up Hello OU! I've always wanted to try out Stall, even if it's reputation really precedes it. In the end, I am a defensively minded player of Pokemon, and well, you don't get much more bulky and defensive as this. However, I've found myself having a bit less success as I've had...
  4. Eidolon Stratagem

    Resource USUM PU Teambuilding Lab - Request teams here! (Closed)

    Uhh... hello I'm very much a beginner when it comes to PU, in all honesty getting into any new battle format can be challenging, especially coming off of a haitus as long as I've been on, but this community seems pretty friendly. I was wondering if someone would help me build a team to help me...
  5. Eidolon Stratagem

    SM OU Stormy Weather - A Beginner Trying to Make Their First OU Team

    Hey! Eidolon Stratagem here! I'm not gonna lie, transferring away from Monotype into a tier where you can use types of all varieties is an interesting shift to make, but one i always wanted to try and do. Now, I knew that this stuff wasn't going to be easy at all, but i ran into a whole lot of...
  6. Eidolon Stratagem


  7. Eidolon Stratagem

    Resource Monotype USM Viability Rankings

    Well, I've never done something like this, but I would like I want to make a nomination, so, here's what I got: Aurorus (Ice): Unlisted -> D Aurorus sits in a very awkward placing when it comes to team building in Ice. The main niche it has is to act as a pretty good lead, as it gets access...
  8. Eidolon Stratagem

    Monotype Aerodynamics - A Beginner Making a Mono-Flying Team

    Hey Excadrill! Thanks for the rate and ideas, trust me, they are gladly accepted. I'll be sure to give these changes a try, and see where the team takes me from there. Thanks again!
  9. Eidolon Stratagem

    Monotype Aerodynamics - A Beginner Making a Mono-Flying Team

    Hey, Eidolon Stratagem here! I've been messing around with this new team, and I've actually found it to be very good. So, I wanted to share my team, and I'd also like to ask for some advice on it as well. I'm just a beginner at SuMo Monotype, and this is my first "origional" team, so there are...
  10. Eidolon Stratagem

    Monotype Keeping My Cool - A Beginner Making A Mono-Ice Team

    Hey guys, I'm Eidolon Stratagem! I originally played OU, but i had very little help in actually getting into the competitive format, but I'm hoping to get more info on how to play Monotype. I built this team, as a way to enter into the competitive scene, though I've had some problems here and...
  11. Eidolon Stratagem

    SM OU SM Team (Sand)

    So, I can admit that I am a total beginner when it comes to competitive battling. I have had my fair share of battles, however, and i found a team that i have had some decent success with. It turned out to be some kind of bizarre sand team, that ended up working for some reason or another. I was...