Recent content by derpikachu

  1. derpikachu

    Pokemon Shuffle General Discussion

    woohoo!! Somehow get really lucky and Caught giratina-o at lv.11!
  2. derpikachu

    Pokemon Shuffle General Discussion

    caught giratina at lv.24 and finished the mission card 4 today ! Currently grinding the giratina to help me defeat M.mewtwo y
  3. derpikachu

    Bad Luck You've Had So Far

    it's not my experience but my opponents i was playing random battle in showdown and met this guy, he missed 3 focus blasts in a row againts my lucario, whats the odd?!
  4. derpikachu

    Bad Luck You've Had So Far

    well it's happen to me on pokemon shuffle, i've finished the stage and got S rank after that i tried to catch that pokemon it has 97% catch rate! But as you could predicted, yes i failed to catch that pokemon!