Recent content by Cory77

  1. Hi I was just wondering if I could register your friend code? Mine is 0404-6809-2540 and gives...

    Hi I was just wondering if I could register your friend code? Mine is 0404-6809-2540 and gives hoothoot pidgey and rufflet
  2. Hi I would like to add your friend code. Mine is 0404-6809-2540 and gives hoothoot pidgey and...

    Hi I would like to add your friend code. Mine is 0404-6809-2540 and gives hoothoot pidgey and rufflet.
  3. Hi can w please add each other? Mine gives pidgey hoothoot and rufflet

    Hi can w please add each other? Mine gives pidgey hoothoot and rufflet
  4. Hi can I add you?? My FC is 0404-6809-2540. I give pidgey hoot hoot and rufflet

    Hi can I add you?? My FC is 0404-6809-2540. I give pidgey hoot hoot and rufflet
  5. Hi, would you like to exchange friend codes in my safari are pidgey hoot hoot and rufflet

    Hi, would you like to exchange friend codes in my safari are pidgey hoot hoot and rufflet
  6. Mythra Red's Shop Shiny&Event Pokes! NEED Happy Hour Inkay!

    Hi I'm interested in a timid eevee.
  7. Hi can we exchange friend safaris? My code is 0404-6809-2540 I give hoothoot, pidgey, and rufflet

    Hi can we exchange friend safaris? My code is 0404-6809-2540 I give hoothoot, pidgey, and rufflet