Recent content by breadstickslug

  1. breadstickslug

    CAP34 - Part 9 - Sprite Poll 1

    breadstickslug Yokaiju YamiTheYin
  2. breadstickslug

    CAP34 - Part 12 - Name Poll 3

    Allaboros Trainrex Chuggalong Choolong
  3. breadstickslug

    CAP34 - Part 12 - Name Poll 2

    Allaboros Revengine Trainrex Chuggalong Leviatram Chuggadrugga Rexhaust Dracaboose Choolong Konvoyage Dracoloco Lokokomoto
  4. breadstickslug

    slug art

    playing with watercolor brushes
  5. breadstickslug


  6. breadstickslug

    CAP34 - Part 12 - Name Poll 1

    Allaboros Revengine Leviatram Condractor Drexpress
  7. breadstickslug

    CAP 34 - Part 11 - Prevo # Poll

    One None Two
  8. breadstickslug

    CAP 34 - Part 9 - Sprite Submissions

    Final Submission Supporting Material comparisons palette
  9. breadstickslug

    CAP 34 - Art Poll 3

  10. breadstickslug

    CAP 34 - Art Poll 2

    StephXPM ausma Felis Licht Gravity Monkey Yokaiju Scepticskep Chillie
  11. breadstickslug

    CAP 34 - Art Poll 1

    breadstickslug StephXPM sun_dew ausma EnderTrenton Reiga RetroPlasmm Yu_IOTJ Yokaiju Felis Licht Kiwi
  12. breadstickslug

    CAP34 - Part 7 - Stat Spread Poll 2

    Brambane Agile Turtle Da Pizza Man
  13. breadstickslug

    CAP34 - Part 7 - Stat Spread Poll 1

    Tunana Agile Turtle Da Pizza Man Brambane MrDollSteak mark6870
  14. breadstickslug

    CAP 34 - Art Submissions

    Final Submission Frilled lizard-dragon whose scaly frill expands to form a megaphone-like cone, with wings that expand to appear as additional speakers. This will have the Dazzling ability. Supporting Material (Click each image to open them full-size) Full-res (2700x1600) artwork Side...
  15. breadstickslug

    CAP 34 - Art Submissions

    WIP megaphone lizard has become worthy of its dragon typing! and also is now a whole speaker system? side view showing the frill and wings (front view w/ wings open tbd) edit: finally found a wing design i think i'm happy with - the membranes on these open up along the wing line to look...