B101 Inactive Tutee Posts & Updates


is a Contributor to Smogonis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Username: hamiltonion
PS! Username: hamiltonion
Your timezone: gmt -5
Usual Hours of Availability: evenings everyday
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I'm returning after a long hiatus. I used to main Ubers (in like BW lol) but now I want to learn more about SS OU. Also would like to get back into the tournament scene.
Are you able to use Discord?: HarryPoggers#7282
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: JetShock
PS! Username: I Have A Plan
Your timezone: GMT-7
Usual Hours of Availability: 1400-2359 any day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I usually on play on PS ladder and tourneys. I did not enjoy 7th gen very much but I decided to return for 8th gen just to see if it is fun and I find all the changed pretty interesting. I mainly seek wisdom on how to team build, strategize and insight on why people play this game.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes. SrA Reaves#6050
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:


formerly Bless
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Username: Sunrose
PS! Username: Sunrose
Your timezone: Gmt-8
Generation: ORAS OU
Usual Hours of Availability: 8pm-4am
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing Doubles OU for 3 years. I love playing pokemon but SS DOU isnt my favorite format and I only get to play old gens during doubles classic so I want to try playing a single tier. I want to experience the same feelings and excitement that singles players get from playing OU. I also have no idea how to build in singles and dont know how to utilize evs since i dont know the metagame and im hoping a tutor can help me out with this.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Heheus
PS! Username: Heheus
Your timezone: PST
Usual Hours of Availability: Normally on weekdays after 3 pm and on weekends I am free after 10 am
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing real competitive pokemon by maining National Dex, in the time of Dracovish. I continued with National Dex for a while, learning a bit about the meta. After ND, I went on to main OU.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes. My user is scizor14344#4547
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Y0M1
PS! Username: Y0M1
Your timezone: GMT -5 (EST)
Generation: SM OU, ORAS OU
Usual Hours of Availability: 5-12 PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started out in spring of 2020 with SS OU, branched off to play a multitude of diff metas ranging from OMs to Monotype to ND. I'm looking for help because I feel like I should be higher than my current ELO range considering how long and how many matches I've played. I mainly just ladder during most of my time playing as I've been told the best way to get better is to get more practice in.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Shiox
PS! Username: Shiox
Your timezone: GMT+1 (Germany)
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays like 3PM-10PM (Friday 4PM-11PM); Saturday 11AM-11PM; Sunday 11AM-10PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
So basically I have been around casually for quite a while and decided to get into serious competitive just a few months ago and have been entering smaller tours since then. I improved a lot on my own and I think I also am still able to continue doing this on my own, although I would appreciate a tutor to help me push further to the top. I kinda get consistently around 1800 elo in ladder nowadays but there is much room upwards still ^^
Are you able to use Discord?:
ye; Shiox#5512
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:
PS! Username: Rasenpou!
Usual hours of availability: British time, 7:00 up to 19:00
My experience in competitive pokemon: I'm some confused pokefan who got into the competitive scene a few months ago. I'm not necessarily good but I can ladder decently in some other formats, which is why I am here to seek help in my Monotype endeavors.
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes.
Can you use Discord?: No.

extra info
This account was made sometime today for a Monotype tourney. I put IN and figured I may aswell get a tutor. I'm a Grass, Ice and Water mono person, just if I get picked. If you read this, huge thanks and if you're reading this trying to get a tutor aswell, good luck.
Username: AceKun
PO/PS Username: MagicFlareon
Timezone: Gmt+1
Usual hours of availability: 1pm to 10pm, I have a flexible freelance job
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive pokemon (min 3 sentences): I started playing on Pokemon Online in 2012, however I never was too interested in official Smogon Tournaments and top ladder, so I'm mostly playing on smaller discords and most of my playtime in the last 4-5 years went into Draft Leagues. My main goal would be to get into high ladder (1700-1800 for now) and gain enough experience to feel confident entering official tournaments and do reasonably well.
Are you able to use Discord? Ace#8884
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Username: Sunesis
PS! Username: Sunesis
Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays 5:30 PM - 7:30/8 PM weekends 3 PM - 9 PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started playing around a year ago, played a bit of ou unsuccessfully and was always very bad at it. Mostly play AG, peaked top 20 on usum ladder and did semi decently in two tours, I'd say I'm pretty good at ag and beat some top players. My main goal would just be getting better at ou to do decently on ladder and in tours.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, FruitSalad#6812
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
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Username: Mercupty
PS! Username: Mercupty
Your timezone: GMT-5
Usual Hours of Availability: After 3:30 on weekdays and usually all day on weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon:
I started playing showdown in 2018 I’d say im an average to below average player. I mostly play SS OU but I will occasionaly sometimes play older gens the one’s I’d say I play the most are Gen 5 Gen 2 and Gen 7. I feel like I have a lot of knowledge about pokemon but I think I lack the the game sense to apply that knowledge. I want to improve my game sense so I start using my understanding of this game in a more practical way
Are you able to use Discord?:MLGSalmonBoi#1968
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:Yes
Username: MidnightPK
PS! Username: MidnightPK
Your timezone: GMT+8
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays 9 AM - 5 PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitively and putting a lot of games back in SM OU. I always felt like I lack the general idea of competitive battling and I often just rely on my ability to remember the type chart and click on strong moves rather than concrete plans/setups. I haven't played a whole lot of SM OU but I wanted to get a proper start to my fundamentals because I'm really bad at this game.
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes

I'm hoping that this application goes through as I haven't really met the post requirements required. Not really a forum guy to begin with so I don't know how I would contribute in the forums without it looking like spam.
Username: Rinzer
PS! Username: Rinzer
Your timezone: GMT +1
Usual Hours of Availability: Late afternoon and night
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I started comp mon when I was a little kid in late 2013 with the release of xy but I had at that time only a surface knowledge, my playing frequency was quite sporadic since I played 1 to 2 times a year until now, which explains my very limited progress since then. I have taken the game a little more seriously since SS but I still feel that there are some glaring gaps in my conceptual and practical knowledge of the game.
Are you able to use Discord: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works: Yes
Username: L0LZ4N0m4
PS! Username: L0LZ4N0m4, LaurierLaurier
Your timezone: GMT +11
Usual Hours of Availability: 8pm-1am
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I only just started playing competitive Pokemon earlier this year since I've watched games here and there for the past few years without actually trying to play. I have made it only to 1300-1400 on SS OU and BDSP OU.
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Username: spicyinstaramen
PS! Username: spicyinstaramen
Your timezone: GMT+7
Usual Hours of Availability: 9-11AM, 2-4PM, 7-11PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I know that franchise inside out but have no Pokemon games nor competitive Pokemon experience prior to 2021, and have been digging the complexity as well as the creativity this game has. I wish to break the 1400 barrier and progress as much as I can, learn teambuilding skills from the ground, while also being a positive member of the community and spread knowledge about Pokemon and PS.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, SpicyInstaNoods#8630
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Returned: 03/31/2023

Username: Alpha1013
PS! Username:Alpha1013
Your timezone : +5.5
Generation : SM OU, ORAS OU,SV OU
Usual hours of availability : usually free between 5 to 10 p.m.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive pokemon :Started out with basic SM OU moved to USUM ag and nat dex ag and found some success there and now moving back to ou , played a lotta games and I think my elo should be a little bit more.
Are you able to use Discord : Yes
Do you understand how blacklist works :Yes
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...jook 'til i die
Username: Leavers
PS! Username: Leavers
Your timezone: gmt+8
Usual Hours of Availability: 9am - 11am weekdays
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started this gen and only play OU. Ive peaked top 10 a couple times on ladder but i cant ever get past that. Recently I joined some stours for ss ou and have done well beating some good players. But I want to get better in all areas.
Are you able to use Discord?:
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Username: Toytean
PS! Username: Toytean/LukenC
Your timezone: +2, Spain
Generation: ADV OU
Usual Hours of Availability: Monday-Friday 22-00, weekend is not fixed but a lot of time

Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I have a lot of experience, especially in Bw, but i like learn about build in adv and playing better that tier

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, LukenA#3498
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes


mons is mons
is a Pre-Contributor
Username: Eonito
PS! Username: eric versus
Your timezone: +2
Generation: ADV OU
Usual Hours of Availability: afternoons, evenings and nights (when im not sleeping or in class that is)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): i started in cg ou like everyone does, switched to lc right before dlc1 and ive been finding a lot of success in the tier recently (with wins vs top players and ssnl semis and stuff but does this matter anyway??). ive always liked adv a lot, i play every individual but i suck so hard i cant get a grasp on playing with no team preview so i wanna improve at it since i really like the tier and i wanna get past r1 lol
Are you able to use Discord?: yeah
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:yes
Username: Lord Xen III
PS! Username: Lord Xen III
Your timezone: GMT-4
Usual Hours of availability: 7 pm-10 pm EST on weekdays, flexible weekends, typically 1pm - 12 am EST i have availability
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences). I started playing competitive Pokemon during XY OU and through ORAS, but took a break during the S/M era and returned for SS OU after the Dynamax ban. I'm typically a 1500-1600 player, and on my best day I've reached 1700. I'm looking to patch holes in my ability to gameplan and sharpen teambuilding skills, to finally break into the high ladder rankings
Are you able to use Discord?: yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes


Everything has a Pryce
Username: Agatorian
PS! Username: Agatorian
Your timezone: GMT -3
Usual Hours of Availability:
In GMT -3, at night in weekdays, except Wednesdays, and can schedule for some time in Sundays.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I do play competitive pokemon for a couple years. I experienced various tiers since BWOU, currently medling aroung in UU, ZU and got hooked into RBY OU. I intend to really get serious in RBY meta.
Are you able to use Discord?:
Yes, Agatorian #0190
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:
Username: EeveeWillEatYou
PS! Username: EeveeWillEatYou
Your timezone: CET (gmt+1)
Usual Hours of Availability: 3-6pm my time for weekdays, depends on the day, large variation during weekends. Overall pretty flexible as long as we schedule.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I played showdown for a while on and off since mid gen 8, mainly focusing on OU. In general like playing bulkier wittle down playstyles, so Semi-Stall to Bulky Offence, but i have also played quite a lot of offence In general i have always felt like my improvment as been quite poor in both playing and teambuilding and gone i have felt like im missing something. I think some proper coaching would help that greatly and allow me to really improve my overall skills. I am very eager to learn, and happy to VC, but wont always be able to because of room conditions. My all time peak is 1600, which i got by using a semi stall team and getting quite a lot of training from the stallcord, and i dont think i could replicate that with another team. :hydrapple:
Are you able to use Discord?: EeveeWillEatYou
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
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Usuario :Carlitos007
PD! Nombre de usuario
: Camon baby!!
Generación: SM OU, ORAS OU
Su zona horaria: GMT- 3 13:54
Usual Hours of Availability :
from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. every day of emanation
Do you understand how the blacklist works? yes
Tell us a little about your experience in pokemon:

I started playing pokemon for fun until I researched through videos, got deeper into the topic and reached 1600 on the chart, my goal is to prepare for competitive and I'm looking for a tutor who can help me grow, and better.

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PS! Username:Camon babby!! or Only Shedinja ツ
Your timezone: GMT-3 14:40
Usual Hours of Availability:
from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I am a player who reached 1600 in the leader in gen 7. I like the ou and I want to learn more to be better in combat and to be able to enter the competitive arena willing to learn and give my best to improve and learn various concepts
and if there is a coach who speaks Spanish it would be better :D.
Are you able to use Discord?:Camon Baby!!#4703
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:
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Username: Illumi99
PS! Username: same
Your timezone: -3
Generation: oras
Usual Hours of Availability: 18:00 to 22:00 on weekdays, can do other times on weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing since the beggining of this year, my account is actually older but I only really started playing on forums now.
Are you able to use Discord?: Illumi#8913
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: I do
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PS! Username: Only BastrIEX
Timezone: UTC+1

Usual Hours or Availability:I am usually present every day at 17:30 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays I have more time, maybe at 14:00 p.m.

Tell us a little about experience in competitive Pokemon(min.3 sentence)
My maximum in gen8 ou was 1400,in gen7 ou my maximum is only 1200 although i would like to learn to play monotype too,and official tournaments i did not play.
Are you able for Discord?:Yes BastrIEX#2999
Do you understand how the blacklist works?:Yes
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