(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

The part about Plus and Minus that annoys me is that they made them identical in Gen 5 (as in, it doesn't matter which ability the ally as; if they have either you get the boost) while simultaneously introducing a Pokemon with both Plus and Minus in Klink.

Not only is the interaction between same vs different charges not the same electrodynamically (if they wanted to put in a unique interaction that the abilities would have with themselves like boosting Special Defense or something fine, but don't make it the same as the interaction with the opposite), but it ruined what I assume was supposed to be the gimmick of Klink having both. It was supposed to be a reference to how gears need to be spinning in opposite directions to work.
i agree with this 100%. if you want to make plus and minus useful in some other way other than each other, fine, but then becoming funcrionally identical is horrible flavour.

also if i could turn back time and change one thing about pokémon, i would go to ruby/sapphire development and convince them double battles are silly. i don't even think they are, i just think "WELL vgc is the OFFICIAL format so NO thought should be spared for single battles whatsoever. i am VERY intelligent" discourse is maybe the most rancid aspect of the fandom lol
It's nothing new but the fandom is now pretending XY were always great. It happens with every gen as kids get older because of nostalgia, but still.

Similarly, now people are pretending SV was always full of Kalos hints. Even as someone who does enjoy speculating a lot, it gets ridiculous. There is someone genuinely arguing "Violet City" used as a translation was a hint to Gen 9 because Violet and then relates that to Kalos.

Finally you would think ZA would make people stop believing certain "leakers", but the person who put a literal paywall to see leaks that were not even their own (and obviosuly were completely wrong) is still believed and even defended.

I know these are all issues within the fandom and with Pokemon being so popular it's normal, but I can't help but wonder why long term memory seems to be wiped by hype.


formerly green_typhlosion
It's nothing new but the fandom is now pretending XY were always great. It happens with every gen as kids get older because of nostalgia, but still.
I'm particularly fond of the way the fandom at large was like "Maractus who?" for years and then as soon as Dexit happened everyone was all "OH THANK HEAVENS THEY SPARED MARACTUS, MY FAVOURITE POKEMON EVER, I LOVE HIM AND I COULD NOT HAVE DEALT WITH HIM BEING GONE"
In some fairness to both those observations, the fandom is large and people seeing their game/Pokemon represented can turn their quiet like to an avenue to rejoice/complain.

I saw a number of people I know who liked XY but generally stayed out of the larger conversation now very happy to see it and that's going to spur others on to be more vocal. Same goes with a given Pokemon or character or feature.


formerly green_typhlosion
In some fairness to both those observations, the fandom is large and people seeing their game/Pokemon represented can turn their quiet like to an avenue to rejoice/complain.

I saw a number of people I know who liked XY but generally stayed out of the larger conversation now very happy to see it and that's going to spur others on to be more vocal. Same goes with a given Pokemon or character or feature.
Whereas I'm taking the alternate (and, I like to think, conciliatory) tack of "I thought XY, in the main, sucked but always felt I'd have liked them a lot more if not for all their missed potential so I'm favourably open to the idea of seeing Kalos revisited".

Maractus, however, I've never had any particular strong feeling about

Hopefully most people don't feel that they have to quietly like any aspects of the series, though. Especially here where we literally have a thread for unpopular opinions. Tbf my experience has always been that a lot of people were, in general, not shy in their willingness to speak up in favour of XY even though I do get the sense that they're probably some of the least-liked games overall
Whereas I'm taking the alternate (and, I like to think, conciliatory) tack of "I thought XY, in the main, sucked but always felt I'd have liked them a lot more if not for all their missed potential so I'm favourably open to the idea of seeing Kalos revisited".

Maractus, however, I've never had any particular strong feeling about

Hopefully most people don't feel that they have to quietly like any aspects of the series, though. Especially here where we literally have a thread for unpopular opinions. Tbf my experience has always been that a lot of people were, in general, not shy in their willingness to speak up in favour of XY even though I do get the sense that they're probably some of the least-liked games overall
See my opinion on the unpopular opinions thread is it is mostly Little Things That Annoy You.....Two! and in forums in general but this one especially all threads will eventually lead to the same thing.

Even the things you like thread will often have derails or snipes about things they dont like.
See my opinion on the unpopular opinions thread is it is mostly Little Things That Annoy You.....Two! and in forums in general but this one especially all threads will eventually lead to the same thing.

Even the things you like thread will often have derails or snipes about things they dont like.
Yeah, the main difference is that you can't really just say completely incontroversial things like "Kalos Leaders should've gotten full movesets" like that's the spiciest take outside of a sports debate show. :mehowth:
Hopefully most people don't feel that they have to quietly like any aspects of the series, though. Especially here where we literally have a thread for unpopular opinions.
On this board, I don’t really have this issue, but personally, my experience on larger platforms like Reddit isn’t so much that I feel like I have to be quiet out of some sense of intimidation, but rather, it’s just that it isn’t worth vocalizing my opinion every time the topic comes up, because I know I’m just going to end up repeating the same points and having the same arguments, and I still most likely won’t end up changing anyone’s minds. And on a larger forum, where there are going to be considerably more people with the “mainstream” opinion, if you will, it can just start to feel a little pointless to go against that. I don’t mean for that to sound pitiable or defeatist or anything — it’s really not that big of a deal, since these are just opinions about video games. It’s more just like… “Eh, why bother? I’ll just keep liking the thing I like to myself.”

I’ve always genuinely liked X & Y a lot — I’ve never been pretending about that, nor is that a feeling that’s animated by nostagia (I’m 30 and have been playing since Red & Blue, and in general, I detest nostalgia). I’ve always liked X & Y so much to the point that the lack of a “Z” revision has never really even felt all that necessary to me. Sure, I do think some of the game’s weaker aspects (Gym Leader teams and Elite Four rematches mainly) would have benefitted from such a thing, but I also just can’t really help it if I just don’t see the same things that people identify as issues in the same way. Like, I honestly do think that Team Flare are one of the best-written villain groups in the series. A ripe take for unpopular opinion threads the world over, certainly, but I just have neither the time nor the interest nor the energy to be the one guy constantly raving about that every time r/pokemon wants to talk about villain teams, y’know?

Also, funny enough, Maractus really is a favorite of mine. :wo:


formerly green_typhlosion
On this board, I don’t really have this issue, but personally, my experience on larger platforms like Reddit isn’t so much that I feel like I have to be quiet out of some sense of intimidation, but rather, it’s just that it isn’t worth vocalizing my opinion every time the topic comes up, because I know I’m just going to end up repeating the same points and having the same arguments, and I still most likely won’t end up changing anyone’s minds. And on a larger forum, where there are going to be considerably more people with the “mainstream” opinion, if you will, it can just start to feel a little pointless to go against that. I don’t mean for that to sound pitiable or defeatist or anything — it’s really not that big of a deal, since these are just opinions about video games. It’s more just like… “Eh, why bother? I’ll just keep liking the thing I like to myself.”
Yeah, that's a wider Internet problem in general tbh.

Like, I honestly do think that Team Flare are one of the best-written villain groups in the series. A ripe take for unpopular opinion threads the world over, certainly, but I just have neither the time nor the interest nor the energy to be the one guy constantly raving about that every time r/pokemon wants to talk about villain teams, y’know?
That is a genuinely unpopular opinion (which the unpopular opinion thread could frankly use more of).

But I take your point. It can be exhausting being the one person advocating for something. I've definitely been there.

Also, funny enough, Maractus really is a favorite of mine. :wo:
Y'know, I bred a 5IV Maractus with Water Absorb right around the time that Dexit happened and since then I've still never done anything with it. Should really force myself to use it on my team if/when I replay BW again...
I love shouting my unpopular opinions and I know I can be abrasive or just blunt with it but I think my issue with most fandoms is that people dont really like having popular opinions but also they dont tend to agree with most Unpopular opinions, so what happens is that we get well liked/popular stuff being treated as unpopular and then the actual unpopular opinions are just you being stupid/contrarian/tryhard.

the biggest example in pokemon is flygon, whos not unpopular and never really has been, but a lot of people treat it as an unpopular mon. meanwhile real unpopular mons get you hit with the "who even likes this", and "youre just being a contrarian" or more cynical takes if its a pokemon the fandom decided is "objectively bad".

I have plenty of popular opinions but i also have a lot of unpopular opinions because i know my tastes are specific and come from certain parts of me (for example: biology nerd which makes me like the weirder and uglier pokemon more than just a Cat or Dog or Generic dragon, since i mentioned flygon above), and if youre in the wrong spot you Will get flamed or have to argue with people to defend yourself or just leave the place.

not everywhere is like this though, even super unpopular opinions on smogon dont really get flamed or anything (unless youre trying to mess with the tournament formats it seems)
haters are always louder and every generation has felt like the most hated generation yet, until it's in the rearview mirror and its popularity becomes apparent because people are now hating the current one :mehowth:

with that said i feel like kalos really being planned to have a third version and suddenly not having it hurt its development a lot, and they chose LZA over a johto and unova game exactly because a lot of it might be ideas that were already imagined for the third version


formerly green_typhlosion
I always loved X &Y because it's in France, my country !
Honestly I wish I could say the same about SwSh.

Anyway, funny thing... looking through a load of Bulbapedia pages for one of the posts I wrote earlier on and something stood out to me... how many games in which "this all began with the falling of a meteorite" is a plot point.

Seriously. BW, ORAS, SM, SwSh, ScVi, and even Snap 2 all feature this to some degree. Can Game Freak just... put this one to bed for a while and think of a new origin story next time?
Honestly I wish I could say the same about SwSh.

Anyway, funny thing... looking through a load of Bulbapedia pages for one of the posts I wrote earlier on and something stood out to me... how many games in which "this all began with the falling of a meteorite" is a plot point.

Seriously. BW, ORAS, SM, SwSh, ScVi, and even Snap 2 all feature this to some degree. Can Game Freak just... put this one to bed for a while and think of a new origin story next time?
The Problem Came From Space is definitely frequent but in fairnes BW's meteorite is false attribution about the Kyurem situation, SM's is just sorta aliens in general, and SV's not actually kicked off by a meteor. It just sounds like the crater ("pit" in japanese) & its cave systems has been around for a long, long time.


formerly green_typhlosion
The Problem Came From Space is definitely frequent but in fairnes BW's meteorite is false attribution about the Kyurem situation
We don't know for sure that Kyurem's origin is false attribution. The Kyurem-as-Reshiram-and-Zekrom's-shell theory and Kyurem-as-extraterrestrial theory are both put forward as equally plausible during B2W2's story (and nothing says the two couldn't both be true: perhaps R+Z split in the sky and the shell dropped to earth as the asteroid). In any event, there was a meteor which struck and formed the Giant Chasm and Kyurem took up residence there, so in the broadest possible sense that did begin with a meteor falling.

SV's not actually kicked off by a meteor
That's why I said "to some degree". The story of the game itself needn't literally be prompted by the falling of a meteor, just the overall state of the world and/or the region's particular individual phenomenon. As for SV specifically, it's suggested iirc that Terapagos may have been the meteor that hit and formed Paldea's crater so that would definitely constitute "this all began with the falling of a meteorite", since Terapagos is responsible for Paldea having Tera Energy.
As for SV specifically, it's suggested iirc that Terapagos may have been the meteor that hit and formed Paldea's crater
The only thing possibly linking Terapagos and Area Zero to meteorites is the use of the word “crater,” since people typically hear that word and think of impact craters. But for all we know, it could have been an ancient volcano or something like that — there are several ways that craters can form. SV never specifies that a meteorite was responsible, and in what information we are given about Area Zero’s formation, the wording arguably suggests something more geological. Sada / Turo’s notes in the DLC talk about the shifting cave formations beneath it, and Terapagos’s Dex entries mention tectonic shifts being responsible for wiping out its species.
Terapagos was apparently a member of an ancient species in Paldea (which...kind of just creates more questions given a single member of it creates Tera and can move things from other timelines) so I don't think they meant for it to come from space, similarly it being a male and its appareance make me think it's based on a certain type of real world turtle, the Pinta subspecies from Galapagos, the last member being also a male called Solitario/Lonesome George. I think if it was mean to be alien it would have a more fitting design like Eternatus (speaking about annoying things: drawing it).

The Kyurem thing has always stood out to me as odd and going by the recently translated interview where they said that at first they wanted to fuse it with a strong Pokemon but not knowing which one in particular makes me feel like it had a completely different origin planned for it at first. It's a wonder the Tao Trio worked out so well for them if they really just designed an unrelated, incomplete grey dragon.
it would have a more fitting design like Eternatus (speaking about annoying things: drawing it).
On a similar note, something that has always irked me about Eternatus’s design and lore, much as I may like it in general, is that I’ve never been quite sure as to whether the regular form is meant to be interpreted as “incomplete,” along the lines of Kyurem and Necrozma’s base forms.

What I mean is, Kyurem and Necrozma are literally broken, fragmentary beings. The base forms that we see are visibly “wrong” or lacking in some way. Kyurem is asymmetrical, frozen over, and emaciated. Necrozma is a jumbled arrangement of crystalline dragon bones, with its dark coloration owing to impurities that have built up inside it. Not only that, but we see how their fusable partners “complete” each of them. BW Kyurem look considerably more balanced and “full,” even if they are still technically incomplete. Meanwhile, Necrozma converts Solgaleo / Lunala’s entire body into photons in order to reconstruct the missing portion of its original form.

Eternatus could be read similary, in that it’s basically just a big skeleton. Where is its skin? Where are its organs? Some of the characters in the story mention that Wishing Pieces used to be part of Eternatus’s body, which sounds very similar to Necrozma’s situation with respect to Z-Crystals and Sparkling Stones. So you could infer that the Wishing Stars are actually those missing organs… but is that actually what they’re going for? I’ve never been sure. For one thing, it’s a little gory, in a way — with Necrozma, we can deduce that the Z-trinkets were formed from Necrozma’s lost light being converted into matter (the reverse of what it does when fused to Solgaleo / Lunala), which is a little less gruesome than having, like, Eternatus’s hardened spleen strapped to your wrist. Secondly, while Eternatus is just a big skeleton, which could suggest incompleteness… it’s also a totally alien creature, and I feel like it would be perfectly believable that that’s simply what Eternatus naturally look like. But then the question is, what do they mean when they say Wishing Stars were originally part of Eternatus’s body?

One might suggest looking to the Eternamax form for some insight, but the characterization of that form has also always been a little unclear. Eternabeam’s move description says that it’s Eternatus’s “true” form, but the Dex entries describe it as Eternatus in “a state of power overload,” which doesn’t exactly sound like it represents regular circumstances. Though if the former is the case, I suppose that would answer the previous question — Wishing Stars are the parts of the Eternamax body that fell off when it was defeated by Zacian and Zamazenta, while the base form is the “leftover.” And it can regain that form by being exposed to energy from Wishing Stars (but apparently for some reason it doesn’t need all Wishing Stars back in order to reconstitute itself, whereas Necrozma is likely compensating for the irretrievability of all the Z-trinkets by using the light stored by Solgaleo or Lunala as a substitute). If it’s the latter, though; the “state of power overload,” then I just…???

The Kyurem thing has always stood out to me as odd and going by the recently translated interview where they said that at first they wanted to fuse it with a strong Pokemon but not knowing which one in particular makes me feel like it had a completely different origin planned for it at first. It's a wonder the Tao Trio worked out so well for them if they really just designed an unrelated, incomplete grey dragon.
I’d have to double-check, but IIRC they also said something similar about Necrozma’s extra forms. That may just be how they prefer to approach things like that; sort of like, “We have some loose ideas for how we might expand on this Pokémon, but we’ll iron it out once we actually get there and know what game we’re making.”
I know far too well that localizing is something complex, but as much as I have praised the Spanish localization, some changes feel incredibly unnecesary. The one that inspired this post is Larry who in spanish is Laureano which, while it makes sense (because of the plant laurel and the expression "dormirse en los laureles", to driff off) also misses on the point of he just being a normal, ordinary guy in everything including name. Akari is also Kira for some reason, and Leon's name had to be changed to Lionel because we already had a León (literally lion)...Lucas.

On an unrelated note, as someone who genuinely likes the Origin Formes' designs for Dialga and Palkia -I specially like how they are mostly sharp and round shapes respectively which fits with the usual diamonds and pearls depictions- it still annoys me they are called so. LA's story would make you think they are corrupted forms of some kind, maybe you could even argue that their worship of them by the Clans who mistook them for Arceus shaped them like it. But instead they are just Origin. It's like they took Giratina, completely missed the point of its two forms and tried to make a trio out of it.
LA's story would make you think they are corrupted forms of some kind, maybe you could even argue that their worship of them by the Clans who mistook them for Arceus shaped them like it. But instead they are just Origin. It's like they took Giratina, completely missed the point of its two forms and tried to make a trio out of it.
The blurbs on the official site described them in a way that is more in-line with Giratina’s form dynamic, saying that Dialga and Palkia’s Origin Formes are the ones they take in their native dimensions.

Personally, while I would say that the story never gave me a sense that they were supposed to be a “corruption,” I can see how someone would get that feeling, and it’s not as if I have any clearer of an understanding of why they show up in that form during the climax. The game doesn’t bother with explaining it outright, so my best guess would probably be something-something red sky, something-something space and time bleeding over in excess, something-something making the material dimension more like Dialga and Palkia’s dimensions. :blobshrug: But you can easily imagine the climax playing out exactly the same way even if those forms didn’t exist — while they are cool, they exist solely to provide flashy new designs for the boss battle.

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